Needing a little something more...

Well I've been doing MFP since about mid-August, but haven't really been doing the "friends" thing...just counting the calories! My husband keeps telling me I need to make some friends so I can have a support system, so I guess I'll take his advice. He is right sometimes...only sometimes. :wink:

So, a little bit about me, I'm 28 and married to my best friend. We just had a beautiful baby girl, Laney, in May. I really took advantage of the pregnancy and ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Now, I'm paying for it. I've got about 10 more lbs. to lose to be back to prepregnancy weight. Then I want to lose more on top of that!

So if you think we may have anything in common...or you just like being a "cheerleader" feel free to add me! :smile:

Good luck to everybody on your quest to be healthy!



  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    Having support here really works, feel free to send me a friend request :-) And congratulations on your new addition!
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    This is her AWESOME husband (:bigsmile: ), and I just wanted to say how proud of her I am. She's been busting her butt, and giving her best, but I know we can all use a little more encouragement and motivation from time to time. If you're someone looking for a true supporter or someone who can be a true supporter, then please add my baby and help her out. If you want, add me too, and I will do the same for you!

    Thanks everyone.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Welcome! I started using the site in January but fell off track. The more I keep up with friends on the site the better I stay on track. The extra support is awesome! I'm 30 and married to my high school sweet heart. He's my rock and best friend! We have 3 kids and live a very busy life. Congrats on the little one (love the name it was one we were thinking about when we had our Ellie) and good luck on your journey!