Any Trainer/Fitness Expect Willing to Critique My New Progra

jcr85 Posts: 229
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Edit: Sorry for the typo should be "Trainer/Fitness Expert"

Thanks for checking out my post. Like the title says I am looking for some input on the program below I put together. My current program has gotten a little old and I am looking to switch things up a bit. I plan on using this program to cut through the winter (next 3 to 4 months).

Any thoughts you have would be much appreciated.

Monday - Chest/Tris
Tuesday - Hams/Glutes/Calves
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Back/Bis
Friday - Shoulders/Traps
Saturday - Quads/Calves
Sunday - Off

As reps decrease weight increases and vice-versa.

Week 1 – A 12, 9, 6, 3
Week 2 – B 12, 9, 6, 3
Week 3 – A 3, 6, 9, 12
Week 4 – B 3, 6, 9, 12


Warm Up – 10 Min Bike
End of Workout Cardio – 20 Min Treadmill HIIT or Elliptical LISS

Abs, first and last lifts are body weight exercises unless other wise noted.

Chest/ Tri A

Bench Press
Close Grip Bench
Incline DB
Tri-Push Down
Cable Fly
Abs (Halos, Standing Leg Lifts)

Chest/ Tri B

Incline Bench
Skull Crushers
DB Bench Press
Tri Cable Extension
Pec Dec
Abs (Andre Johnsons, Standing Leg Lifts)

Hams/ Glutes/ Calves A

Single Leg Body Weight SLDL
Walking Lunges
1 Leg Seated Calves
Stiff Leg Dead Lift (3 x 10)
Leg Press Calf Raise
Leg Curl
1 Leg Body Weight Calf Raise
Wall Sits
Abs (Crunches, Bicycle Crunches)

Hams/ Glutes/ Calves B

Single Leg Body Weight SLDL
Reverse BB Lunges
Seated Calves
Good Mornings (3 x 10)
1 Leg Press Calf Raise
1 Leg Curl
Body Weight Calf Raise
Wall Sits
Abs (Crunches, Bicycle Crunches)

Back/ Bi A

BB Row
BB Curl
Cable Row
1 Arm Cable Curl
Straight Arm Push Down
Inverted Row
Abs (Back Extensions, Toe Touch)

Back /Bi B

DB Curl
Lat Pull Down
Cable Curl
Upright Row
Inverted Row
Abs (Back Extensions, Toe Touch)

Shoulders/ Traps A

Weighted Arm Circles (5 Lbs)
BB Shoulder Press
BB Shrugs
DB Lateral
Behind Back Shrugs
1 Arm Bent Over Cable Laterals
DB Shrugs
Dive Bomb Push-ups
Abs (300s, Ball Rolls)

Shoulders/ Traps B

Weighted Arm Circles (5 Lbs)
DB Shoulder Press
BB Shrugs
1 Arm Cable Lateral
Lee Haney Shrug
DB lateral
DB Shrugs
Dive Bomb Push-ups
Abs (300s, Ball Rolls)

Quads/ Calves A

Body Weight Squats
1 Leg Seated Calves
1 Leg Press
Leg Press Calf Raise
Leg Extension
1 Leg Body Weight Calf Raise
Wall Sits
Abs (Crunches, Bicycle Crunches)

Quads/ Calves B

Body Weight Squats
Front Squats
Seated Calves
Leg Press
1 Leg Press Calf Raise
1 Leg Extension
Body Weight Calf Raise
Wall Sits
Abs (Crunches, Bicycle Crunches)


  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I'm neither of those who are you asking to critique your plan but have you ever heard of Starting Strength?
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    Yeah, actually I did MadCows over the summer which was adapted from Bill Stars program. I was using it to put on size but unfortunately my bulk wasn't as clean as I liked and I ended up gaining a lot of muscle and a lot of fat.

    Never really tried it to cut, I have always had a lot of success cutting with a 5 day split but I will defiantly consider going back to it. I'll check out the differences between MadCows and Starting Strength... Thanks for the post.
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