
Hi everyone!

I joined on Tuesday and have been getting myself familiar with the site - and now I am totally addicted! I have struggled with my weight ever since I had my first daughter in 2006. I put on 20 kilos, going from a lovely 65 kilo - 85 kilos when pregnant. After I had her I was breastfeeding and just didn't watch what I was eating at all - so I put on even more weight averaging about 95 kilos.

I got pregnant with my second daughter last year, she is 4 months now. I didn't put on that much weight with her - getting up to about 107 kilos. After I had her I weighed in at 104 kilos - such a depressing number. I've been loosely doing lite and easy and trying to watch what i eat but haven't been exercising - so over the past two months ive only lost 3 kilos!

I am breastfeeding so I am very wary of making sure I have enough calories to sustain my milk supply but have talked to my GP and she thinks I can safely lose weight while breastfeeding.

My partner and I are getting married in September next year. My current weight (as of Tuesday) is 101 kilos. I hope to get down to 95 kilos by the start of January....but my ideal weight would be 65 kilos. Thats a lot of weight to lose but i know i can do it! I've been logging every day (and loving it) and been doing 20 minutes of Zumba a day, I hope to increase this exercise as I get a bit better at it, but for now thats quite a work out for me!!

Would love some more friends to share this journey with!


  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome! Its a lot easier with friends!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    Jared's right... friends are key! Welcome!
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    Welcome...its a great site with many great people all there to help motivate one another. Your welcome to add me if you want a friend to help motivate you :) and all you have to do is ask and one of us will know the answere so again welcome
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    Congratulations on the weight you have lost so far. This is a great place to be for help. I would love to be your friend to help motivate you and share best bets. Please feel free to add me to your buddy list! Good luck to you!

    BTW, your baby is absolutely beautiful, congratultions!
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    It's a good program keep it up and results will come.
  • Mickyboo1
    I also joined this week too. This is a fun website.

    Im looking for new friends.
    HJOHNSON33 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome to mfp. You will do fantastic on your journey :)
  • chelbean23
    chelbean23 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes and friend requests!! This is the first time ive really felt like I could do this, thanks so much for your support - heading off now to do some Zumba on the Wii with my 5 year old lol.