New, and hoping to stay!

I'm on day 3 of really tracking EVERYTHING I eat and I'm hoping to add in my exercise log too.
Really need some help with motivation, my family is not really into the healthy eating and its really hard to do this alone : /


  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    here are a few tips that I found to work for me:
    1. Make MFP yoru home page
    2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it.
    3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweeks over time seem to work best or at least better than but load of change all at once
    4. Always be honest. We al fall on our way to the top, be honest, no one is judging you here... we all support eachother
    5. Keep trying new things until you find what works for you (It took me a while to find my plan and it works great for me but I wouldn't push it on anyone else)
    6. Its easier to lift weights than the burdens of carrying weight.
    7. take it one day at a time.
    8. Have a cheat day or meal, where you eat what you want
    9. Try to talk to yourself as if you are talking to your child or loved one. Often times the thing we need most is to be a better friend to ourselves.
    10. Smile.
  • Think of each day as a challenge to become what you want :) you can do this!
  • dddeans
    dddeans Posts: 29 Member
    Is it hard: Yes Is it worth it? Yes .5 lb loss is not alot, until you multiply. 10 weeks, 5 lbs 20 weeks 10 lbs, 50 weeks: 25 lbs. Just make the rule, if I don't have the time to LOG it, I don't eat it. You will be fine. Exercise is key. even if you only walk a mile or 2 a day. You will see results before you know it.
  • allyjstone
    allyjstone Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome!!! You can do this!! Feel free to add me !
  • mandag9008
    mandag9008 Posts: 182 Member
    hi! im new as well! its my 3rd day, and im using a hormone free version of the hcg diet. it includes well portioned meals and excercise. i know you can do it! just put your heart and mind into it!- mandy:smile:
  • I completely understand!! I am around family, friends, and coworkers who don't watch what they eat, so it's really hard to get motivated if everyone else isn't doing it. I exercise at least 3 times (I try 4) a week and it's really important to have someone to exercise with. I am thankful to have my husband...of course he is trying to GAIN weight, so he needs to eat more calories instead of less, so it's a little different but he is very supportive! But I accidentally stumbled upon the myfitnesspal app the other day just because I was looking for an easy way to count my calories and I LOVE it! I have now got my mom and 2 coworkers on the site as well! I really like the fact that it has SO many foods in it's database. It makes it really easy to track what you really eat. I also love that you can see the breakdown in nutritional information from the food you eat. I am really hoping I can stick with this-to lose a few pounds and to mainly stay healthy! It has really made me realize what I eat...and make me wonder how many calories I WAS consuming! Keep going with it and use the support system the website has!! You can do it! It's all about self control! Good luck!
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    It's interesting to note that there are so many of us that are looking to fight the fat in many different ways. Come, stay, and i'm sure that you'll find many others just like you that are having great success and you will have the same success! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • kolyn75
    kolyn75 Posts: 30 Member
    Good Luck to you this is a great website!!
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    welcome! I have up and down days. I'm trying to stay focused on small goals right now and changing my habbits. I find checking on MFP on a regular basis over the day helps me so I don't make bad food choices. Good luck on your journey if you want to add me feel free!
  • amsawitzke
    amsawitzke Posts: 2 Member
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I gained some of my weight back but I notice that having a support systems helps. My hubby just changed his shift time and hes not around so we can exercise together anymore...