Weight Goal Vs. Fitness Goal

I have recently started training for a half marathon. It's always been a secret fantasy of mine to be a runner, and once I got in shape I was able to run. I am on a training program for my running. It is really tough, but wears me out so that I cannot do much else (besides an occasional walk). Running has me burning less calories than my previous mix of cardio. There is just no way I have the time or can physically do both. I ache so much from running. The race is in 12 weeks, and in that time, I think it will be more likely that I maintain or even gain weight rather than continue to lose weight. Running makes me very hungry, and I'm sure I will gain some muscle by the end of this). So, my question is, would you sacrifice your weight goal in favor of a fitness goal for three months?


  • ABetterBalance
    I absolutely would! I do want to lose weight, but my overall focus is on how I look and feel, and not the number on the scale. My focus is on the fitness aspect of it (building up my running endurance again, finding consistency in workouts, etc...) and as long as I know I am eating at my deficit, the weight loss is secondary.

    Good luck with your race!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Ewww...tough call. There are always more races but you can't always find the motivation and willpower to drop weight...I would be as torn as you!! Good Luck!
  • wolfcounty
    absolutely. like you said, you think you will gain muscle! no point in worrying about just weight, but rather fat loss anyway.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yes i would. if you eat to maintenance while training its unlikely you would put a great deal of weight on.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I would sacrifice the weight goal as well. My whole reason for even beginning was to be more healthy- not just weigh less. I figured the losing weight would be an added perk. However, it seems that my attention has shifted more to weight loss in the process. So, I must say thank you for this post to make me remember why I started:flowerforyou:

    Good luck with the training and the race!
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    I absolutely would! I do want to lose weight, but my overall focus is on how I look and feel, and not the number on the scale. My focus is on the fitness aspect of it (building up my running endurance again, finding consistency in workouts, etc...) and as long as I know I am eating at my deficit, the weight loss is secondary.

    Good luck with your race!

    I agree. When I first started my journey, it was all about weight loss. Now it is purely about fitness. I want to increase my endurance and reduce my body age, all of which I have done. Certainly, the weight has been peeling off slowly as a result, but there is nothing like running 5 miles without being overly winded or being able to bend down to tie your shoes without it feeling like someone just knocked your breath out of you. Good luck on your journey!
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    I'm about 12 weeks into a training plan for a half, and am running the race next weekend. To be honest I never made a conscious decision to choose 'fitness' or 'weight' goal, and did gain a pound or two. How the running has affected that, I don't know.

    However, I've really enjoyed the challenge of training and would recommend it... I feel so much better at running now, and get a real sense of achievement from completing a run for 1hr45 or whatever.

    I have to be honest, I'm hoping to drop a few pounds after the race when I can mix up my training a bit more – running takes over so much, I'm looking forward to being able to 'afford' to do bodypump and a few other classes!

    Good luck! x