Woke up so hungry...

I woke up feeling SO so hungry this morning (and ate all my calories yesterday)... I hope I don't go over my calorie daily target today! I just hope it's not one of those days where I never feel full no matter how much I eat :-(

Does this happen to anyone else? Suggestions?

Have a great day!


  • AshleyAmmerman
    It happens to me from time to time. Usually after I eat dinner, since that is the longest time I go without food, I begin to feel hungry like 2 hours before I am suppose to be going to bed. Not good. Drink plenty of water, protein helps too. Eating lean meats. Carb friendly vegetables are good too. But in my last few days I have found that if I include decent to high amounts of protein in my 3 main meals, I'm not as hungry throughout the day. Things heavy in fiber are good too. If ya have extra money ya might wanna try Shakeology.