Is something off here or what?

Trueguardian Posts: 15
edited October 2024 in Chit-Chat
Ok, so I am going to be the first to tell you all, I aint the brightest bulb in the box, nor do I spell with the best of the little speller bee's. But, I did come across these couple of words and they just have me going baffled. Lets see what you all think of them and I am sure you all :tongue: will shot me a line or two and let me get better insight on what is happening here. So......... we have one word that is called a parkway, and the other called a driveway. Can we pause for a minute and just think of those two words and see how back arseward they really are? I mean for goodness sake, the parkway word leads me to think I should be parking my car somewhere really near, of course it doesn't and we just keep on driven...... then they throw the word driveway at you...are you kidding me? Of course we all know that means stop the car, throw it in the "P" position on your dash and be sure to turn off your car, cause you are about to get out of your car and leave it for sometime and go do something else.... I tell yeah, it just aint making much sense, but we do as we are told and next thing you know we are just going with the flow....Just saying...................................
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