Eat This, Not That---MISLEADING BOOK

So for about the last week I have been reading the book "Eat This, Not That" to help me make better choices when eating fast food. I am incredibly disappointed in the book however because they have severely understated how many calories are in many fast food choices. For example, the book said a McDonald's double cheeseburger was 230 calories so that is what I got for lunch. I went to enter it on here only to find out it was really 440 calories. Am I misreading the book (I am usually very proficient at reading) or is the book information just that far off????

If it is that far off, does anyone have any suggestions of a small book to help with nutritional choices at restaurants???


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    Go to Mcdonald's website for the actual caloric value and decide for yourself. Most large chains have their nutrition stats on their websites.
  • mmocarr
    mmocarr Posts: 108 Member
    Both numbers might be off. What does the McDonald's website day?
  • NickyCat101
    Actually yes the burger is about 440 calories ( I'm not sure why the book would say that. The hamburger is about 250. I try to use the nutrition information on the company website or a calorie counting book.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Go to Mcdonald's website for the actual caloric value and decide for yourself. Most large chains have their nutrition stats on their websites.
    And then get in trouble for lying.
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    well i had one of there books, it wasnt the resturaunt one though, i can tell you that yes there is 440 calories in the double cheseburger the wrappers on them even say that, so i can understand how dissapointing that is, just like subway some of the things there you might as well have gotten a burger and fries over, i find it easier to avoid eating out, although my husband wants to do so all the time i give in a lil on goin out on the weekends and ate out only to be dissapointed when the scale dont move only stays the same during the week!
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    also when you eat inside the paper on the tray on the backside of it tells you there caloric info on everything they have,also including sodium, fat, calcuim, fiber, ect.
  • Gwendalyne
    Gwendalyne Posts: 287 Member
    For max weight loss benefit. Try pre making burgers at home...w/lean ground turkey or ground beef on nice whole wheat that's way less calories
  • buffalogal1979
    buffalogal1979 Posts: 236 Member
    calorie king has a nice book - calories, fat, carbs, etc. for tons of different foods and restaurants. they also have a website. it's very handy and i have found it to be very accurate too!
  • moomoo84
    it's about 230 with out the buns
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    Is it possible that there are toppings or something that need to be omitted to be that lower calorie total? Although, I can't imagine what topping would have that many calories ... unless it is the meat or cheese itself ... lol!
  • 1FitBabe
    1FitBabe Posts: 111 Member
    I really like the books and have found them to usually be accurate. It is pretty shocking to look at the calories in some foods - a real wake up call!
  • lorals05
    I cook at home most of the time, but there is not enough fridge space at work (or there are the girls in my office who help themselves to my lunch) so I either grab fast food (trying to pick healthier) or I run to the supermarket and get something to eat at my desk (so food thieves can't take it).

    I really liked the idea of a quick cheat sheet of what's at least slightly healthier. I usually look on the websites first but since I saw the burger in the book and it didn't mention any special way to eat it to cut calories, I thought I would go for it. I was so disappointed when I figured out the facts in the book were not presented well (or are incorrect altogether).

    Thank you everyone for the tips-and I'm currently checking out the other alternatives for nutritional guides :smile: