tredmill calories vs. fitness pal calories

I use a tredmill for my cardio....I workout between 40 and 60 min a day depending on my busy kids lol....BUT the tredmill tells me i lost 300 cals vs. this site which tells me i have lost 600 it because this thing knows how much i weigh and how tall i am or is the tredmill right and i need to be on the thing 90 min a day or somthing? obviously my tredmill doesnt know my weight, but am just wondering who or what to believe when it comes to my calorie counting.
Thanks Angela


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    If you don't have a HRM, I would err on the side of caution and choose the lowest estimate of calories burned to ensure you don't eat more than you burn.
  • nina4w
    nina4w Posts: 126 Member
    It depends. Do you put in your weight on a treadmill? When I would first work out on a treadmill, I never put in my weight! But when I put in my weight, I lost a lot more calories on the treadmill. So, yes, the site, I think, uses your height and weight.
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Trust your treadmill before MFP, but nothing beats a HRM!
  • Schuyler
    Schuyler Posts: 78 Member
    600 calories for an hour worth of work would mean you are really pushing it. I usually burn 100 calories every 10 minutes and I am huffing it most of the time. I would definitely choose the lower amount like the PP suggested. You don't want to put in 600, eat all those back and have only burned 300. Definitely invest in a HRM so it takes the guess work out :) Good luck on your journey!
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    Wow 300 to 600 is a huge difference. Mine is off by around 50 cals so I just go with the lower amount, but I also try not to eat all my exercise cals. The only way to get an accurate number is to wear a HRM though. Wish I could help you more:(
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    If you don't have a HRM, I would err on the side of caution and choose the lowest estimate of calories burned to ensure you don't eat more than you burn.

    this. or split the difference.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I lost my weight trusting the numbers on the treadmill. I didn't know anything about HRM and by the time I found out anything about them? I was already at my goal weight. That being said, the treadmills I use ask for your information (age, weight, etc) so I trusted the numbers they gave me.
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    I always go with the treadmill. I rather go with the lowest just to be safe.
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    Yes a Heart rate Monitor would let you know for sure.. it is a very wise investment!

    How much do you weigh? I am 28, 217 lbs, 5'6 & walking for 1 hour @ about 3 miles/hour I burn over 500 calories if that helps you at all.
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    When I use the treadmill I input my weight and the calories burned are very similar to what MFP says
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Here's what I use to calculate treadmill calories:

    I attribute most of my weight loss so far to the incline treadmill and targeting my calorie goal
    (which means I ate all my exercise calories)
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I have an HRM. I burn about 250 calories running 30 minutes on my treadmill. The treadmill says I burn about 500. When I punch in the time in MFP for running 6mph, it is closer to my HRM than treadmill.
  • Pronoiac
    Pronoiac Posts: 304
    Does the treadmill you are using incorporate a heart rate monitoring aspect, and as others have mentioned are you inputing your data on the treadmill? Ultimately go with whichever is using the most data in it's calculation. On average I find MFP is pretty close to my HRM, unless I am killing it or dogging it that day.
  • angelakayerickson
    I am 230....age 35....5' 5" anyway.....the 300 to 600 isnt accurate...but in 60 mins going 5 miles per hour and flux between a 2-4 incline i lose about 300 cal range....and this thing tells me i lose way more...I also dont usually eat my cals...but it tells me i am way under my cals everytime i log out for the day lol....i dont have the hrm either...but maybe need to get one lol...thanks for the info, also i cant put my weight, age, height into my is a golds gym one, but they bought new and i got a nice one for cheap....
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    I am 230....age 35....5' 5" anyway.....the 300 to 600 isnt accurate...but in 60 mins going 5 miles per hour and flux between a 2-4 incline i lose about 300 cal range....and this thing tells me i lose way more...I also dont usually eat my cals...but it tells me i am way under my cals everytime i log out for the day lol....i dont have the hrm either...but maybe need to get one lol...thanks for the info, also i cant put my weight, age, height into my is a golds gym one, but they bought new and i got a nice one for cheap....

    I think MFP is much closer than the actual treadmill you're speaking of. If it's not the kind where you input your weight & age & doesn't have an HRM attached it is usually preset for a woman @ about 130lbs or a man @ about 170 lbs which is going to wayyyy underestimate your calories. With my experience with my HRM vs MFP count my HRM always says I burnt more calories but MFP is a good estimate running on the conservative side.

    So yes honestly log it under what MFP says & forget what the machine says & when you can spend a lil' money on an HRM do so... not only is it more accurate but it's awesome to see those calories burnt add up while you're working.. personally it makes me want to work harder, faster & longer :)
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    I agree that perhaps MFP is closer than the treadmill. I'm 149 lbs, a 47 year-old woman, 5'3" and I usually burn about 250 calories in 35 mins going 3.2 mph at a 7 to 9 incline (according to my HRM). So for 60 minutes at your weight/height, and you're obviously running if you're going at a speed of 5, then I would say 600 sounds reasonable.
  • Careygirl1968
    Careygirl1968 Posts: 58 Member
    The amount of calories you burn is going to depend on the incline and speed of the treadmill. If you are not inputing your height/weight, then it is probably basing it on a 150 pound person, which seems to be the default for most machines. If you are in doubt, I agree with one of the previous posts, split the difference, and you will probably be fine. The important thing is, you are DOING it!