30ds day 3

Just completed 30ds day 3. Didnt do as well as yesterday. Burned 269 calories instead of 304. I couldnt do the press ups tho as i get problems with my wrists so did another arm exercise instead.

Let me know how you are all getting on :happy:


  • Hj723
    Hj723 Posts: 141 Member
    I guess I missed yesterdays thread. I'll be doing day 4 tonight after class. Just a note, I hate the lunge curl things... and Jillian most of the time.
  • v35lmt
    v35lmt Posts: 17 Member
    Just finished day 3 as well. Possibly because I forced them to move and I really *just* finished, but it kind of eased up some of the muscle cramps I'd been feeling since yesterday. Yay!

    Also, I have to say that I'm glad you posted this. I'd totally been talking myself out of doing this for today with various excuses, somehow knowing you'd stuck to it made me get up off my butt and turn on the DVD.
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    Just finished day 3 as well. Possibly because I forced them to move and I really *just* finished, but it kind of eased up some of the muscle cramps I'd been feeling since yesterday. Yay!

    Also, I have to say that I'm glad you posted this. I'd totally been talking myself out of doing this for today with various excuses, somehow knowing you'd stuck to it made me get up off my butt and turn on the DVD.

    I forced myself into doing it too. Think if anyone was in the house I would have just skipped it. Glad I did it the coz as you say my legs now aren't as bad.

    Glad to be of help making you do it. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier for us both!
  • evansproudmama
    I guess I missed yesterdays thread. I'll be doing day 4 tonight after class. Just a note, I hate the lunge curl things... and Jillian most of the time.

    haha this made me crack up! I seriously felt the same way this morning as I was doing that exercise and my arms felt as they wehre going to detach and fall to the floor I was like screw you Jillian I hate you haha but on a more serious note.. Im on Day 2 today however its a redux cause I started this a month ago got to day 5 was so sore I couldnt even lift myself up and down from the toilet and quit therefor Im starting again but with a new schedule instead of doing day after day Im doing Two days on one day off along with additional cardio I think itll work nicely. I only plan to do this untill Im not so sore than I will go back to every day.

    Glad someone posted this, hope you dont mind I joined in :-) Happy shredding everyone!!
  • misti17
    misti17 Posts: 106
    I love 30DS. I am on Day 20, last day of Level 2. Will start Level 3 tomorrow. I gotta tell you I wanted to stop in the beginning too, because the soreness was unbearable but i pushed through day 5 and 6 and it went away and I got stronger. Have been going 20 days straight and I'm shocked at the difference in my body. Not really pounds lost, but inches lost big time. After this I'm going on to Ripped in 30! Good Luck girls, its soooo worth it!
  • Hj723
    Hj723 Posts: 141 Member
    I guess I missed yesterdays thread. I'll be doing day 4 tonight after class. Just a note, I hate the lunge curl things... and Jillian most of the time.

    haha this made me crack up! I seriously felt the same way this morning as I was doing that exercise and my arms felt as they wehre going to detach and fall to the floor I was like screw you Jillian I hate you haha but on a more serious note.. Im on Day 2 today however its a redux cause I started this a month ago got to day 5 was so sore I couldnt even lift myself up and down from the toilet and quit therefor Im starting again but with a new schedule instead of doing day after day Im doing Two days on one day off along with additional cardio I think itll work nicely. I only plan to do this untill Im not so sore than I will go back to every day.

    Glad someone posted this, hope you dont mind I joined in :-) Happy shredding everyone!!

    I started it last week and was so sore I couldn't do a second day. This time I'm doing mon-fri and taking the weekends off. But I have a pilates class two days a week that I do first and then do the 30ds. The class helps me stretch out my muscles that way it keeps them from getting super duper sore.... just super sore.

    Good luck!
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    I love 30DS. I am on Day 20, last day of Level 2. Will start Level 3 tomorrow. I gotta tell you I wanted to stop in the beginning too, because the soreness was unbearable but i pushed through day 5 and 6 and it went away and I got stronger. Have been going 20 days straight and I'm shocked at the difference in my body. Not really pounds lost, but inches lost big time. After this I'm going on to Ripped in 30! Good Luck girls, its soooo worth it!

    Thank you for sharing. Its good to know that the pain will eventually stop. I cant measure myself until i steal my mums tape measure. Not too long tho. only 2 days to go till i get it from her then i can record my inch loss too
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    I just did my day 10 this morning, it's my last day of level one! Once you get past the first like 6 days, it isn't as hard. I actually am kind of bored with it, so I'm really excited to move on to level two tomorrow! I measured myself today and so far I've lost 1" in my hips and in my waist. Good luck! Just keep it up. I almost didn't do it yesterday, just out of laziness, but I pushed myself and I was so happy I did, by the time I was done.=) I'm the type of person where if I quit one day..I won't do it the next. Good luck and Good job to everyone else doing this!!
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    I hate the lunge curl things... and Jillian most of the time.

    So do I! I imagine that I am punching HER when I do punches!

    I did day 7 today. I did take yesterday off. But I didn't feel the pain that I felt the first couple of days!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    So do I! I imagine that I am punching HER when I do punches!

    Lol glad its not just me!

    I finished Day 6 and it's starting to get easier. I hate the lunges because I can't balance!