Calories allotted vs calories eaten

I'm allowed to have I think it's like 1700 calories, but I've been 'trying' to stay around 1200 which most days I do. However, if I did eat lets say the 1700 will I still lose weight? That just seems like a lot of calories to me.


  • exiledforestfan
    If you stick to a low calorie intake your metabolism will slow and you will find it harder to lose weight.MFP allocates you a calorie allowance below your daily needs then you will still lose weight. MFP will reduce your calorie allowance as you lose weight until you get to your maintence weight. I find it hard to eat all my calories especially if I exercise but I am losing weight at an average of a pound a week which is sustainable in the long term.

    Good luck
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    It sounds pretty accurate to me. As long as you are in deficit you SHOULD lose weight. If MFP put you at 1700 then you are in deficit. I lose weight and I am at 1810. I am set for only a half pound per week, so they are slightly higher than when I was at one pound per week.
  • AChristopher09
    Thanks for the feedback! I really should eat more being I'm nursing my son too, but I find it so hard to eat that much food in a day! Especially since I eat healthy now!
  • pinup_mama
    pinup_mama Posts: 33 Member
    My body goes into "starvation mode" when I dip below 1300 cals. I actually have a really hard time losing weight when I dip below the recommended calories. When I stick to MFP's requirements, I generally lose weight much faster. Also, if you're nursing, you really need to make sure you're getting enough calories! Good luck on your journey!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I really should eat more being I'm nursing my son too, but I find it so hard to eat that much food in a day! Especially since I eat healthy now!

    Are you meeting your fat and protein intake goals? I find it very hard to eat under 1200 calories, stay full and still meet that fat and protein goals. Especially fat. There are a lot of calories in fat but it's so important to health, and so tasty!
  • AChristopher09
    I get pretty close to meeting the goals, just try to watch what I'm eating. I dont drink anything but water so all of my calories are food based
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I really should eat more being I'm nursing my son too, but I find it so hard to eat that much food in a day! Especially since I eat healthy now!

    I would urge you to increase your calories immediately. 1200 is low for someone who ISNT nursing, IMO.
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I really should eat more being I'm nursing my son too, but I find it so hard to eat that much food in a day! Especially since I eat healthy now!

    You definitely need to eat more if you are nursing. That is actually burning calories too. If you find it hard to eat more, try higher calorie things, healthy things. Drink 2% or full fat milk. Add nuts to salads or have them as snacks. Add avocado to salads and sandwiches. This will bulk up your calories but still be things that are actually good for you.
  • CindiBryce
    Thanks for the feedback! I really should eat more being I'm nursing my son too, but I find it so hard to eat that much food in a day! Especially since I eat healthy now!
    Of course you should eat more if you are nursing! And consuming more calories doesn't necessarily mean it is unhealthy.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I ate 2500 calories a day when nursing. You might see some serious drop in milk production eating that low.
  • Cysso
    Cysso Posts: 68 Member
    You should definitely eat more. I add an extra 300 calories to what MFP gives me to allow for calories burned from nursing. Besides that, if MFP says you should eat 1700 then you're already in a deficit and eating much less than that could keep you from losing, or at least slow your weight loss significanly as well as be detrimental to your milk supply.
  • AChristopher09
    Thanks ladies! I'm started to add milk in and some extra calories to pump up the numbers!
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Be sure to update on how increasing your calories worked out...