I'm confused and worried...



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    She said she is having pasta, meat, and cheese. To all of you who responded, how is these unhealthy and will slow weight loss? I would really like to know.

    They're not. But only eating those things is quite unhealthy. I think that's what we're getting at... moderation, balance.

    Eating what? The only "unhealthy" thing she mentioned was french fries.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    If you are in a calorie deficit, you will lose...as a few have said above. It doesn't matter what you're eating with regards to that. Now the problem with eating junky food for your calories is that you will end up being very hungry and wishing you could eat more, as many so called junk foods cause you to crave more. That's not to say you can't enjoy a certain amount of junk food and still eat the good stuff to keep from being hungry. It's all in figuring out what works best for you.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Sure, you will lose weight with a deficit regardless of what you're eating. BUT you have to remember that since you're eating less than normal you have that many fewer opportunities to get your body everything it needs. It becomes even more important to eat healthier because you have less cals to play around with. If you still want to have fries and other high cal/low value foods just make sure you're not eating them everyday if you want to lose weight and be as healthy as you can be. You should be trying to get the biggest bang for your buck nutritionally.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So basically I have always hit my target or have gone under my target calorie goals for the past week, and I feel great! I feel like I even look slimmer. But I still can't help but wonder how I can have pasta, and cheese, and meats and still be loosing weight! For example, tonight I am having french fries for pete's sake! I cant believe I am allowed these guilty pleasures...AS LONG AS THEY STAY IN MY CALORIE LINE.

    So, if I understand correctly, as long as I am in my calorie goal I can eat whatever I want?

    Why do I feel like this is too good to be true?

    Because you rea confusing weight loss with healthy eating. A calorie deficit is all that's needed for weight loss. And while losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight is very importnat for your health, it is just one piece of the puzzle. I've known many thin people in my life who have developed diseases that may have been prevented had they eaten a healthier diet.
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    She said she is having pasta, meat, and cheese. To all of you who responded, how is these unhealthy and will slow weight loss? I would really like to know.

    They're not. But only eating those things is quite unhealthy. I think that's what we're getting at... moderation, balance.

    Eating what? The only "unhealthy" thing she mentioned was french fries.

    I think you're arguing just to argue. We're all saying the same thing.
  • jessicajane11
    modoration = key!

    I wouldn't go crazy & only eat ****ty foods! because then you're really not getting all of the nutrients that you need! but induldge every now & again. but remember all of those "guilty pleasures" you're enjoying are a bad fat not a good fat!! they go to different places & have different health effects!! be careful here!

    & they're empty calories.....
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    no you can't... unless you want to fail right away. 1200 calories of junk is not going to help your body.

    Define fail. I lost quite a bit of weight eating 1200 (less) calories of junk food. I didn't look very good (I probably look equally good now, 30 pounds heavier than I was then) but I lost weight.

    OP - Yes, within REASON you can eat anything you want. But you should try to incorporate some healthy choices too - switch out mashed potatoes for vegetables for example.

    I don't eat super healthy every day - I have certainly had plenty of potato chips, pizza, and fries while on this journey, but I also see people who's diaries are just nothing but junk and I'm sure you already know that's not a healthy way to live long term.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    She said she is having pasta, meat, and cheese. To all of you who responded, how is these unhealthy and will slow weight loss? I would really like to know.

    They're not. But only eating those things is quite unhealthy. I think that's what we're getting at... moderation, balance.

    Eating what? The only "unhealthy" thing she mentioned was french fries.

    I think you're arguing just to argue. We're all saying the same thing.

    No im not. I am sticking up for her. Im sure she is going to be hesitant to enjoy some of these treats because of some responses. People jumping on here like she is eating nothing but fries all day.
  • patilee
    patilee Posts: 125
    She said she is having pasta, meat, and cheese. To all of you who responded, how is these unhealthy and will slow weight loss? I would really like to know.

    There's nothing wrong with pasta, meat or cheese.
    Yes, eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. Check out the twinkie diet post from today.

  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    She said she is having pasta, meat, and cheese. To all of you who responded, how is these unhealthy and will slow weight loss? I would really like to know.

    There's nothing wrong with pasta, meat or cheese.
    Yes, eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. Check out the twinkie diet post from today.


    Exactly :] great choices if you ask me. It is sad that many people think these foods are complete diet busters!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Calories in, calories out. However, veggies and lean meats will fill you up more and provide a better energy sourse, making it easier to stick to your diet and workouts.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I find I'm most successful long-term when I find a good balance. This means still eating some things like pizza, pasta, etc., but also making an effort to include lots of veggies and un-processes/lightly-processed foods. I find that I *feel* a ton better when I'm not eating as much processed/prepared/canned foods, regardless of my calorie levels.

    As others have said - yes, you can lose weight eating all of that stuff. You can lose weight eating nothing but junk food, twinkies, soda, etc, assuming you limit your quanities to stay in your calorie goal. But the question is whether or not that's what your body really needs. (I think we all know the answer to that.) A little bit of "junk" now and then won't hurt (well - most of us believe that), but the next step you may want to look at, once you've got the calorie-level down pat is how you can improve the quality of what you are eating. You may be surprised at how much better you feel!

    Don't feel bad - I think it's actually a "natural" process to start by simply looking at calories, and then slowly progressing and making more changes to where over time you choose to eat healthier and healthier foods. It's all about baby steps and making gradual, permanent lifestyle changes. :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks everyone for responding!!

    I have been eating amazingly healthy, with whole grains and veggie, check my diaries! But what I really am concerned about is the breads. never in my life have I been a junk food lover. I was raised a pasta loving italian so all my food is fresh and well prepared! lol

    I rarely have junk so thats not my concern. I guess I just couldn't believe I could have whole wheat pasta, or lamb chops, or even portioned vodka sauce and still be loosing weight yanno? I never found satisfaction in brownies and chips.
  • Well if it coutns the fries are baked without any oil....lol. But thank you, both of you, it is making it less guilty to know I can have what I always assumed was diet killers (pastas, cheeses --- i substitued for whole wheat pasta now, and laughing cow !) I guess its just the myths in my heads saying - only eat steamed veggies or you will never get anywhere
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding!!

    I have been eating amazingly healthy, with whole grains and veggie, check my diaries! But what I really am concerned about is the breads. never in my life have I been a junk food lover. I was raised a pasta loving italian so all my food is fresh and well prepared! lol

    I rarely have junk so thats not my concern. I guess I just couldn't believe I could have whole wheat pasta, or lamb chops, or even portioned vodka sauce and still be loosing weight yanno? I never found satisfaction in brownies and chips.

    Sounds like you're doing pretty good, then! You've made an important realization - it's OKAY to enjoy what you eat and you can still lose weight doing so! It's all about eating reasonable portions. :drinker: The fact that you're eating quite healthy AND enjoying it is excellent!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Well if it coutns the fries are baked without any oil....lol. But thank you, both of you, it is making it less guilty to know I can have what I always assumed was diet killers (pastas, cheeses --- i substitued for whole wheat pasta now, and laughing cow !) I guess its just the myths in my heads saying - only eat steamed veggies or you will never get anywhere

    I can relate! Im very italian and absolutely love all pastas and loooove vodka sauce! You can enjoy all of these and lose weight :]

    Hard to get over that mental block that you can only eat veggies while trying to lose weight, but hopefully some points where proven :] good luck to you!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding!!

    I have been eating amazingly healthy, with whole grains and veggie, check my diaries! But what I really am concerned about is the breads. never in my life have I been a junk food lover. I was raised a pasta loving italian so all my food is fresh and well prepared! lol

    I rarely have junk so thats not my concern. I guess I just couldn't believe I could have whole wheat pasta, or lamb chops, or even portioned vodka sauce and still be loosing weight yanno? I never found satisfaction in brownies and chips.

    Carbs have been terribly demonized.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    1200 calories of brownies sure does sound tasty, but yeah... you need to still be sensible about what your body needs. I track potassium a good bit along with some other things. I still generally just eat what I prefer along those lines and everything just kinda falls into place and my weight loss keeps moving right along.

    Can you quote the part where she says she is eating 1200 calories of brownies?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding!!

    I have been eating amazingly healthy, with whole grains and veggie, check my diaries! But what I really am concerned about is the breads. never in my life have I been a junk food lover. I was raised a pasta loving italian so all my food is fresh and well prepared! lol

    I rarely have junk so thats not my concern. I guess I just couldn't believe I could have whole wheat pasta, or lamb chops, or even portioned vodka sauce and still be loosing weight yanno? I never found satisfaction in brownies and chips.

    That sounds like a healthy and sesible diet to me. I inferred a much less healthy diet from your OP but that is a drawback to forums, I suppose.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Check your sodium levels consumed per day.

    Normal healthy per day consumption is 2500 mg or less. Anyone with any kind of high blood pressure should be consuming 1200 mg per day or less.

    If you are getting calories from "junk" food. I bet that your sodium consumption is through the roof.

    Best of luck finding the mix of foods that satisfies your hunger and at the same time provides you with a healthy diet.