Trying to lose those post partum pounds!

Hey everyone. This is my first time ever contributing to any type of forum. I'm a avid reader of a few forums though! I gained a good 65 pounds while pregnant with my second child (not so proud with the weight gain). I have lost 42 pounds so far, and I want to lost 38 more to get to my desired weight loss. I've heard some great things about this website, so I decided to give it a try--couldn't hurt to have more support and guidance throughout this journey! So..I just wanted to say HI to everyone and introduce myself. I am a mommy to a four year old daughter and a 2 month old son. I am nurse, however I'm not working at the moment. I'm looking for a job now so we will see how that goes :) As far as excercise goes I don't have much time for it. I try to cram in some walking sessions and my husband is going to buy me zumba fitness videos for christmas!! In regards to losing weight, I find that I may have a slight binge problem. I will be doing great for a few weeks and then I find myself binging during one meal. My self control is constantly wavering during dinner. I find the other meals to be easy to track and adhere to. Any advice on how to control crazy cravings and not losing control? I look forward to chatting with everyone :)


  • Erinacarr
    Welcome, and congrats on losing some weight!, after i had my son (who will be 1 on the 26th) to curb the cravings i allowed myself once a week to eat whatever i wanted, as much as i wanted, but kept to counting calories the other 6 days a week, and i lost 30 lbs. feel free to add me, i could use some support too!
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi, I really like this site, ive tried others and lasted a month or 2. I've been here every day since May, it became an addiction i guess, a good one... My lo turned 1 --Oct 25, her birth and the stress of colic really put me at my highest weight ever 180lbs.. I looked in the mirror this past Jan, and hated what I had become, and decided to change, I've looked back a few times , but have managed to stay on track, for the most part. You can do this !!! I know how it is with kids and especially a newborn, but trust me, once you start losing and staying , you'll thank your self for your hard work. The people here are very supportive and friendly.
    Zumba is alot of fun, thats how I started out in Jan with the DVDs , they really do work. Then I joined the YMCA and do the live class, lots of fun too :)