How often do you weight yourself

I know once a week is best but this week (first week on my diet) I have been sorely tempted to see if I have lost anything and just wondering if anyone else does the same?

Do you think once a week is the healthiest reflection of weightloss?


  • weekly is a good general rule of thumb; that said, I found it effective to weigh myself daily or nearly so. I found the feedback motivating and I didn't take small changes in either direction too seriously
  • I weigh every morning but only log it every Saturday because it is my most neutral day. So far I haven't fluctuated that much in the 2 months I have been doing this. Seeing it go down, however minute it might be, helps keep me motivated. But that's just me.
  • It's hard, but weighing yourself only once a week is best just because your weight fluctuates daily depending on multiple different factors. If you weigh yourself more than once a week, it can lead to you getting really frustrated if it goes up or down a little. I've been weighing myself every Friday since January and it gives me something to look forward to all week.

    Stick with it and best of luck! :)
  • I weigh myself every morning, it comes down to whatever makes you feel comfortable. But you will go up and down it's just the way it works.
  • If you're the sort of person who worries about daily fluctuations, by all means save yourself the headaches and only weigh yourself weekly. If you decide to go daily, do it at the same time every day to keep from freaking out when you see you're 2 pounds heavier in the evening than the morning. :>)
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    I used step on the scale daily because I felt like I had better control that way. I could see if something I did or didn't do was affecting my weight. But lately I've been really struggling and the scale and I haven't been getting along, at all. I actually had to avoid the scale for a while, unfortunately not knowing what I weigh drives me as nuts as knowing that I weigh the same week after week.
  • Just my opinion on the matter...I'm not a trainer or something. :-P

    I understand, I am also tempted to everyday. There is nothing wrong with recording your weight every day, it just doesn't feel as encouraging or weight loss isn't as apparent if it didn't go down or only went down a little. Sometimes it may even be a little higher because of time of day/what's in your stomach, etc. Not to be too graphic (lol) but I always weigh in the morning before I eat but after I use the bathroom. So as long as you can be consistent when you weigh, there is probably no issue. Just make sure when you are honestly evaluating your progress you look long-term and not just day-to-day. :) Good luck!
  • I weigh myself everymorning when i first wake up, but i agree it can be a little flustrating. I should prolly just chuck my scale out the window.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    When you first start out I'd recommend once a week, or even once every month.

    I've been at this a while and I weigh in every single day. The number that shows up doesn't hold much value to me at this stage of the game, but I find it interesting to record the fluctuations during TOM, after heavy lifting, eating take out etc. I like knowing and predicting how my body will react to different stresses.
  • got_BluEgo
    got_BluEgo Posts: 30 Member
    i weigh myself at the beginning of each week, Sunday.
  • Aroz25
    Aroz25 Posts: 40
    I'm new to this forum as well even though I have been on the diet for about 6 weeks now. Sometimes I'm tempted to step on the scales every day just to see if there are any changes but I have been told once a week is better because your weight fluctuates daily due to water intake etc. Some people even recomend every 2 weeks but I don't think i could wait that long to check! If you haven't done a full week yet then wait till the week is up before weighing yourself. And then once a week after that. The best time to weigh yourself is usually in the morning before breakfast so I've been told :)
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    I do not have a scale in my house bc i know i would be obsessive about it. I go every sunday morning to weigh myself at the gym on a medical scale. I think the digital scales arent as reliable, only from my experience.
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 360 Member
    Personally I have found that what works is to weigh more often. If I have not moved on the scales it makes me more eager to put in more effort. If I move it makes me feel great and gives me the incentive to push forward. For me a week is too long to not know. I would weigh every morning or every 2nd morning if I am seriously trying to lose weight. If I get a little shift every 3 or 4 days it really boosts me. If I don't I know it is time to get more committed. If things are going wrong I'd prefer to have 3 days to make amends for than a week. That's what works for me.
  • It's hard, but weighing yourself only once a week is best just because your weight fluctuates daily depending on multiple different factors. If you weigh yourself more than once a week, it can lead to you getting really frustrated if it goes up or down a little. I've been weighing myself every Friday since January and it gives me something to look forward to all week.

    Stick with it and best of luck! :)

    I agree with this, IF you can't handle the weight fluctuations I weigh daily but I know the only one that matters is my official weigh in day since that's the one that I record. Some people can't weigh daily. If they see a fluctuation up they become discouraged and completely go off plan, which just makes things worse. Some people only weigh once a month.

    What happens if you step on the scale and find out there hasn't been a change yet?
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I used to weigh myself once a week but recently I'm back to daily. I track it all so I can see that it's heading in the right direction in general.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    I haven't had any scales for like 4 years, it's probably bee the single worst thing I could've done because I tend to overeat! I finally got one today, plan to do it every morning, I know not to expect much change on a day to day but I think doing each day will keep me more on top of things! Once a week though, for sure, if you wan't to see meaningful changes every time
  • Thanks really helpful, me and a friend are weighing once a week and I think I will stick to just that as I would worry about ups and downs perhaps more than I should.