Exercises to shrink calves?

Hello all :)

Does anyone know of any exercises or stretches etc in order to tone/shrink calves?

Mine are huge, they look like a superhero dolls calves haha!

Any advise on this would be excellent :)


  • Heel raises are good. That'll make your calves ache : )
  • got_BluEgo
    got_BluEgo Posts: 30 Member
    i have HUGE calves myself and noticed that they have slimmed down a bit ever since i started running
  • Thats my other problem, i can maybe run for about 10 minutes before they cramp and burn for like 30 minutes :(
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    STRETCH THEM!!! Won't make them smaller, but will help the cramping.
  • Stair climbing, or stair running helps tone up my calves
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    skippping, ive actually been stopped at the gym by people to compliment my calves. It's the only excercise I do for them, its a fantastic excercise!
  • velarneyraptor
    velarneyraptor Posts: 94 Member
    I needd to make my calves slimmer and more toned too... they're huge D: Unfortunately I have short legs...
  • insidelane
    insidelane Posts: 8 Member
    If you mean reduce the fat on your calves, that's impossible. But if you are just trying to reduce the muscle mass there then I can't really see that happening either. Any proper exercise routine would include something that activates your calves (squatting, running, group fitness) so I think you're SOL.