Class tonight super tough is it just my body adjusting?

I have been exercising for just 3 1/2 weeks mostly elliptical and some weight lifting. Last week I started a Fall Holiday Boot Camp class. I of course was sweating up a storm and adjusting to working out the first couple classes. Tonight I had a super hard time completing everything, was totally out of breath and shaky. Today was the first day I made it to my goal of at least 8 glasses of water. Odd question but could all that water had something to do with me having such a hard time tonight or am I just adjusting to my new exercise routine?


  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    Are you getting enough protein in? Do you eat protein after your workouts? I buy the peeled, hard boiled eggs from the grocery and keep them in the fridge for a quick protein snack after my workouts.
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    When did you drink that water? Was it close to the time you worked out?
  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    I am sitting and eating some cottage cheese right now. Today is the first day I was under on protein maybe that had something to do with it. I was worried I was going over on protein ha ha.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    I'm thinking either glucose got low, not enough nutrition or overtraining. Your body needs time to rest in between workouts.
  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    I spread it out throughout the day (the water). Yesterday I took the day off from exercising and I'm trying to do two days of exercising and then taking a day off.
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    I have a hard time getting all of my water in. I try, but I don't succeed. The protein for me really helps. I usually go to the gym every day for either a Zumba class or another group fitness class. Sometimes I go 2-3-or 4 times a day depending on what is offered that day.