Leash your damn dogs!



  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    Pet peeve! lol nice pun! I tell you what gets me, when you're at the beach or on a public walk with your dogs and they are leashed and then someone else comes along on the track with there dog not leashed and no leash to put on them, I'm off the side of the track holding my little dogs who are going nuts and they're dog is getting excited and coming up to my dogs and they casually say "oh he's fine!" "Don't worry about him", WTF !!
    Yes your fat lab might be a big ***** cat but when it comes up to my dog and it has a go at it and then it fights back, then what?!
    Or the fact that your running on past yelling "Here Boy!!" and it's totally ignoring you and having a stand off with my dogs, if it doesn't like the reaction from my boy and something starts then what! Your dog is 3 times the size of mine!
    I totally know why people carry hiking sticks!
    I may not hit the dog, I may just wack the owner!
  • kayleeblue
    I live in the country and people do occasionally run/jog past our house. My dog has been known to follow/chase them. I also know who they are and have given them permission to wack my dog if she misbehaves. I have also come across dogs that are aggressive on my walk/jog. I refuse to run away...instead I turn and confront them! It backs a dog down real fast if you don't show fear. Yes there are the few and far between that will take it that extra step. Be prepared...take pepper spray or a stick. Know your route and your neighbors. If I know they are running, I put my dog away. I'm sure I will hear a few comments on this..But this is how it works in my neck of the woods..Good Luck!
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    I mean this was a house where you could hear the echoes of dueling banjos....not sure I want to get to know Cleatus and his brood!
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    I mean this was a house where you could hear the echoes of dueling banjos....not sure I want to get to know Cleatus and his brood!

    hahaha Classic!
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    So I have an "aggressive" breed dog (American Pit Bull Terrier). I take her on walks (runs again once I get her weight back in check, she got fat with me!) but she is ALWAYS on leash. It helps with the whole "leader of the pack" mentality. She is trained to heel and stays by my left side with her shoulders even with my legs (took almost a whole year to teach her this!!). What I hate is when the neighbors let their little yip-yap dogs out in the front yard. This one in particular (a chihuahua) has nipped at my heels numerous times and even broke skin. My dog doesn't even look at her but they see that she's a pit and start screaming about my dog attacking theirs (never mind that my dog doesn't even look at the dog or the fact that their dog is hanging on to my pant leg by her teeth!!). The last time, when she actually broke skin on me, I had to call animal control because suddenly its not their dog. Thankfully, they had her up-to-date on shots so I didn't have to go through the rabies treatment.

    I think that no matter what the size of the dog, they should be restrained, aggressive or not. Not only for the safety of people running/walking/biking by, but for the dog's safety. What if it sees a cat and chases it into an oncoming car?? OK, enough ranting.
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    So I have an "aggressive" breed dog (American Pit Bull Terrier). I take her on walks (runs again once I get her weight back in check, she got fat with me!) but she is ALWAYS on leash. It helps with the whole "leader of the pack" mentality. She is trained to heel and stays by my left side with her shoulders even with my legs (took almost a whole year to teach her this!!). What I hate is when the neighbors let their little yip-yap dogs out in the front yard. This one in particular (a chihuahua) has nipped at my heels numerous times and even broke skin. My dog doesn't even look at her but they see that she's a pit and start screaming about my dog attacking theirs (never mind that my dog doesn't even look at the dog or the fact that their dog is hanging on to my pant leg by her teeth!!). The last time, when she actually broke skin on me, I had to call animal control because suddenly its not their dog. Thankfully, they had her up-to-date on shots so I didn't have to go through the rabies treatment.

    I think that no matter what the size of the dog, they should be restrained, aggressive or not. Not only for the safety of people running/walking/biking by, but for the dog's safety. What if it sees a cat and chases it into an oncoming car?? OK, enough ranting.

    Totally agree, I'm afraid I don't take issue with the whole pit bull thing, it irresponsible owners that cause the problem and not the dog! Doesn't matter what the breed they all have the potential to inflict damage.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I live in Philadelphia where apparently the average pet owner is extremely stupid. I call animal control on every dog I see roaming around without a leash.

    I do this for 2 reasons. Number one reason: the safety of my own dog. I have a boston terrier with a neurological disorder who also happens to be dog aggressive. The thing is, he's incapable of defending himself. He lunges and falls over. If one of these leashless dogs approaches us on a walk and my dog lunges, the other dog will get startled and attack. I love my dog. I don't want to lose him like that.

    Number two reason: I'm an emergency vet tech. Enough said? Hit by cars, eating trash, and dog fights are preventable. I don't enjoy stabilizing and treating preventable injuries. I also do not enjoy euthanizing them when surprise! the owner also has no money to treat.
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    Totally agree, I'm afraid I don't take issue with the whole pit bull thing, it irresponsible owners that cause the problem and not the dog! Doesn't matter what the breed they all have the potential to inflict damage.

    I have had 4 over the years, all of them rescues. They are by far the best dogs I've ever had!! It is in their nature to be prey driven (unlike the common misconception that they were bred to fight, they actually were originally bred to rid farms of pests - anything from rats and raccoons to wolves and coyotes.) but they are not people aggressive by nature. I advocate the "Ban the deed not the breed" because, as you said, its irresponsible owners that have led the dogs to this state. APBT live to please their owners and will do what we want. My 5 yo niece LOVES to take her for walks "because she doesn't pull like my little dogs" (my sister had rat terriers and they were constantly knocking over my nieces!). Its all how you raise the dog, no matter the breed.

    And just because, the #1 reason a person is admitted to the hospital for an animal bite is from a CAT!!!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I don't care if they're vicious or not...they need to be leashed. As someone who was also attacked by a dog, I am terrified of any that are unfamiliar. I shouldn't be afraid to walk around the block