

  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    My sister did the HCG diet.She lost weight,but gained it all back.It was very unhealthy for her..They told her also,she had to have a complete exam,because if there was any cancer at all in her body, it would grow and spread.That to me is scarey enough.The pills that she took along with the injections made her moods swings go through the roof.So I wouldn't try it it,but it is totally up to you..Also you maybe losing inches instead of pounds...Good luck
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I recalculate my calories every time I have a weight change. And I am not opening my diary, I know better than to do that,, because I have seen one too many people get torn to shreds because they ate an ores after burning almost an entire days work of calories at the gym. I would also love to talk to a nutritionist but as a college student, who can't get get a. job to save my life, I can't afford it.Everywhere I have applied hires skinny chicks. The reason I was given when I asked about this was that skinny women make more sales.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Im am really frustrated as hell. I have been on MFP for 8 months and have only lost 20 pounds. Accept for the last week, I have been really good about staying on track. I usually ate 1600 calories a day and exercised between 30 minutes to 4 hours a day. However, since mid-June my weight has stayed the same. I have tried lowering my calories and increasing my exercise/ raised my calories and decreased how much I exercised. Nothing I seem to do works. On top of feeling sad about not losing weight, I also have seasonal effectiveness disorder. This basically means my brain can't cope without the sun. Recently I have been thinking about doing the HCG diet or the Mckenna diet to try to boost my weight loss and possibly get me out of the rut I am in. I still have another 80-100 pounds to lose.

    Please do not ***** at me about how horrible you think either of the diets are, I have family and friends who have used one or both of them to drop between 40 and 300 pounds.

    Why even post this if you didn't want to hear negative feed back on HCG...because that's where all these types of threads lead. My suggestion would be to find the HCG support group in the GROUP section they now have on MFP, you will find like minded people there. Don't bother with the general forum.

    My other suggestion would be - before you try such a extreme restrictive diet that you open your diary. There are so many knowledgable people on the forums that have the experience and are living proof of what a healthy balanced diet can do for weight loss and your overall well being. Open your diary, open yourself to suggestions?
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    ive never been torn apart for my diary and compared to a lot of people on here, its not the healthiest. i still eat chips and candy and everything i want.
    the only time ive seen other people get grilled about theirs is when they are eating out all the time and going wayyyy over sodium and eating hardly any fruits and vegetables. if youre really trying, and dont understand why you arent losing it can be VERY helpful to let others see your diary. if you dont want to share it because you already know what people will say, then try on your own to fix those things and see if it helps
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I do strength training andvariety of cardiovascular exercise. I also do pottery on a wheel it is alot of upper body work. I have tried varying my calories between 1200 and 1600 calories. I was tracking my weight and my inches. My weight and inches have stayed the same for 3 months. I have not seen a doctor in over two years because I don't insurance or access a doctor. I know I need to because I have had medical problems recently. I have not been able to exercise for the past few weeks because every time I get my heart rate up, I get dizzy and ill. I also have a bump on my spine that has my mother (she is an RN) scratching her head.

    "I know I need to because I have had medical problems recently. I have not been able to exercise for the past few weeks because every time I get my heart rate up, I get dizzy and ill. I also have a bump on my spine that has my mother (she is an RN) scratching her head."

    1) ^For real? Then your last worry should be losing weight or starting a 500 calorie diet. See a Doctor...maybe Mom the RN can spot you $50 for at least a consult with a physician.

    2) Not sure why you posting anything on this forum because obviously you've made up your mind regarding this. And you're being very closed minded with suggestions people are giving you.

    3) you can't get a job in sales because "they told you they only hire skinny people"? Really? Although statistics have shown that there may be some validity to that statement - I find it hard to believe that a perspective employer would come right out and say that to someone.

    I'm thinking you are just someone trying to stir up a debate on the forum or you have issues related to your weight and you need to see a counselor to work through these mental and physical issues.

    Best of luck with your HCG diet
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Ok so you started a thread to tell us about how you're not losing weight like you want to but you're not going to open your diary so people can help you and you're going to do a diet that can have seriously bad health affects and you don't care if we agree or not?

    Man reading this thread is 3 minutes of my life i'll never get back.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Please do not ***** at me about how horrible you think either of the diets are, I have family and friends who have used one or both of them to drop between 40 and 300 pounds.
    How long did they keep it off? What kind of side effects did they have? No one's saying that you can't lose weight with those diets. But before you make a decision like that you should be aware of what you are really doing.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I have always wanted to turn my head 360 degrees (Exorcist.) I know people who have done this. Well, they are dead now. What do you guys think? And please don't say anything bad.

    this is awesomely funny
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    If someone comments negatively on your open diet you can make it so only certain people can open it with a key. Everyone has a right to run their life the way they see fit. Some do it by fad diets that they go on and off of. Some insist on cheat days, some exercise like crazy and some eat everything out of a box. Do what suits you. Do it for your own reasons, but realize when you post a question on here there are many people who honestly care and want to help and who have experience. If you are doing it to be smaller you are doing it for different reasons than people who are doing it for health reasons and will likely go about it through the path of least resistance. I have tried the path of least resistance and it doesn't work for me. I have only mastered my weight loss through old fashioned hard work of regular exercise, and eating whole foods. Not the latest fad, not the most fun, people don't want to hear about it because it is boring, but it works for me. I also can't afford decent insurance or go to a doctor regularly so I decided that the very least I can do is eat right and exercise and take the crap out of my diet. So far it is working. Best of luck to you. I've learned a lot on my 4 year journey to lose 70 pounds. I learned that I had to do everything that I didn't want to do, but I also learned that I have never had more energy in my life or felt better. I'm 54 now, so I feel sad that I wasted my life chasing rainbows when I could have just done the work to begin with and had more enjoyment out of my life.
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I would borrow money from my mother, but she is a victim of the economy and got laid off due to budget cuts. She is trying to keep a roof over her head while going back to school. I am thinking about doing the hcg diet because I have seen several people who have done this diet and kept the weight off. The Mckenna diet is is about changing how you feel about food and yourself. I really just don't want to be told that the only thing that works is MFP and everything else doesn't. I know not everyone use like that not everyone is like that though.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I would borrow money from my mother, but she is a victim of the economy and got laid off due to budget cuts. She is trying to keep a roof over her head while going back to school. I am thinking about doing the hcg diet because I have seen several people who have done this diet and kept the weight off. The Mckenna diet is is about changing how you feel about food and yourself. I really just don't want to be told that the only thing that works is MFP and everything else doesn't. I know not everyone use like that not everyone is like that though.
    there are other healthy ways to lose weight that dont involve mfp. hcg doesnt really fall into that category though. as far as the mckenna thing goes...i dont know if it was the same guy, but i tried getting hypnotized into losing weight when i was in my teens..big seminar, you were supposed to buy the book and cd or whatever and listen to it every night while sleeping.. it didnt really work for me. i believed it would, but it just didnt. if it does for you - thats awesome. but you said you didnt have money to go to the doctor....dont you have to get hcg from a dr? doesnt it cost a ton of money?
    it would make more sense (to me) to just trying letting some of us help you - give you ideas on switching up your diet and exercise routines and really trying to do that before you waste money on unhealthy ways and scams etc
  • isisbryan
    isisbryan Posts: 105 Member
    I do strength training andvariety of cardiovascular exercise. I also do pottery on a wheel it is alot of upper body work. I have tried varying my calories between 1200 and 1600 calories. I was tracking my weight and my inches. My weight and inches have stayed the same for 3 months. I have not seen a doctor in over two years because I don't insurance or access a doctor. I know I need to because I have had medical problems recently. I have not been able to exercise for the past few weeks because every time I get my heart rate up, I get dizzy and ill. I also have a bump on my spine that has my mother (she is an RN) scratching her head.

    Welll that may be your problem. Look into getting some health insurance. Texas has CHAP (like CHIPs) which is sorta like Medicaid to kind of fill the gap until the health insurance act comes into play. If you are not in Texas, see if you state has that program.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Hope the diets work out for you. If they don't, maybe try to measure your success with a measuring tape or pictures rather than a scale.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I don't have tons of money, have crappy insurance and can't afford to be sick or go to the doctors either. I decided to eat right, cut out junk food and the obvious crap from my diet - sodas, alcohol, candy, chips, cookies, etc. and eat vegetables, whole grains, lean meat on sale, and beans. The cheapest form of exercise? Walking. Walk every where. Dance to the radio. You don't need money to lose weight, just to buy in to programs that may or may not work for you - gym membership, hypnosis, classes, ww., video programs, etc. The library is full of self help books. Look through the section and find something that appeals to you. Good luck.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I don't have tons of money, have crappy insurance and can't afford to be sick or go to the doctors either. I decided to eat right, cut out junk food and the obvious crap from my diet - sodas, alcohol, candy, chips, cookies, etc. and eat vegetables, whole grains, lean meat on sale, and beans. The cheapest form of exercise? Walking. Walk every where. Dance to the radio. You don't need money to lose weight, just to buy in to programs that may or may not work for you - gym membership, hypnosis, classes, ww., video programs, etc. The library is full of self help books. Look through the section and find something that appeals to you. Good luck.

    Well said!!