Topamax Side Effect

I was put on Topamax 2 weeks ago for migraines. It has done wonders for my migraines and has even helped me lose 6lbs. However, I don't feel like eating, my favorite foods don't taste good anymore and I have to force myself to reach my calorie intake for the day. This may all sound good to some of you but it is really not bc it makes me tired and weak so I dont feel good and I dont feel like exercising. I am not even up to my highest dosage yet. Not sure if this medicine is worth the weight loss side effects. Anyone else had these effects?


  • I was on Topamax about eight or nine years ago for Migraines. Unfortunately, I don't remember how it effected my energy levels. I do remember it making me lose weight quickly. I did not eat very much throughout the day. It only lasted a few weeks for me. Hopefully once your body is fully adjusted to it, it will taper away. My major side effect was loosing feeling in parts of my body, my feet and hands would just go numb. I would talk to your doctor if it lasts much longer. Good luck to you!
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    Yep! Most things didn't taste "normal" and there were several things that were just nasty because of the meds. It was wonderful for my migraines though! They pulled me off because it also lowers bp and my bp was going really low with it. I am, however, considering trying it again because it did wonders for my migraines and for me it was worth the side effects for me with the exception of the bp stuff
  • lmiller857
    lmiller857 Posts: 19 Member
    i had Topomax afew years back for migraines it worked wonders on my migraines but it gave me low grade headaches everyday and i was always tired and didn't feel like moving. Now that I have stopped the medicine i feel somuch better.
  • lalzamora
    lalzamora Posts: 3 Member
    I was put on Topamax for my migraines several years ago. It took quite a while for the beginning side effects to subside (maybe 2-3 months). I was very tired and extremely cranky. The good news is that I did lose weight. I nevery ate much at meal time (half a sandwhich) as I wasn't hungry and food didn't taste good. My favorite diet coke tasted horrible.

    The bad news is that it didn't really work for my migraines. After the first month they came back in full force so I stopped taking the meds. The really bad news was that I immediately gained weight once I stopped.

    Be careful and monitor the side effects. My sister was on the meds and it made her extremely emotional. Cried at work all the time. She states that it ruined her life. Hopefully you will not experience that.