How many of you..



  • I weight myself twice a week and use Friday's weigh-in as my scale number. Unfortunately, the scale does create a lot of mental emotions, frustrated and feeling like you are not losing due to the number. The scale has numerous times got teh worst out of me. Three weeks, I was 106, celebrating up and down and then the following week I was 111.2, I was so freaking upset, but now the scale and I are much happy this week. I certainly understand how the scale can drive you freaking nuts!


  • kidbxrs
    kidbxrs Posts: 50 Member
    I put mine away. I actually know where it is but have no desire to get it out. i plan on weighing once every couple of weeks. my next date to weigh will be 11/22/11. It was getting me down. the fluctuation was crazy and i couldn't stay off of it. I would tell myself i was not going to weigh. Only one time a week on Tuesday's but i would find myself on it every morning after my shower. If it didn't show me what I wanted I would be down the rest of the morning. so i have not weighed since last week and do not plan on it until my set date.