Week of and week after Thanksgiving

OK,, I am somewhat new (today is Day 35) and I still wonder how weekly calories defiency works. If i excersize every day for let say around 600 and do not eat back for 2 weeks, maybe 1. Can I still pig out on Thanksgiving day without risk of gain? My defiency is at 3,500 for 2 pounds loss/week. I know my gym will be open from 6 to 2 that day.

If that don't work, any idea?

PLEASE do not tell me to watch what I eat because I will be going to my daughter's in-law's home in which they will make high calores everything. And I am not going put one spoonful of everything on plate,, In my culture, it's offensive to the person who slaved all day to cook us a fine feast.

AND please do not tell me to bring something myself.. I asked my daughter and she said NO! So I have to respect her wishes beside their home is about 100 miles away so it won't be logical to bring anything cuz of food spoilage.

I read that average Thanksgving Dinner is anywhere from 4,000 to 5,000 calories. So I am trying to figure out,, if I exercise all week and don't eat back, will it work?


  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    One day isn't going to harm you.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    One day isn't going to harm you.

    Amen, and you aren't even guaranteed the day after Thanksgiving! Live, laugh & love on Thanksgiving, worry about the rest after.
  • butterflimom
    I agree. Take the day off, I am food wise and enjoy the things and people that you are thankful for.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Lot's of people have a "cheat" day once a week. I don't think that would work for me, since I tend to feel guilty after "cheating" and then sabotage myself. HOWEVER, I think Thanksgiving Day itself can be a sort of "cheat" day. Just not the next and the next. Since you will be eating at you DIL's home, you won't have to worry about using up the leftovers. (I will, so the only fattening thing I'm making, unless you include drumsticks on the bird, is stuffing.)
    I hope you have a lovely time, and find that the scale went down the Monday after! :smile:
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I'm afraid no one can answer this for you. It depends entirely on the strength and speed of your particular metabolism. For some people, all they have to pay attention to is their calorie totals per day or even per week. But for others, those with slower or less efficient metabolisms, they do have to pay attention to the amount of calories & macronutrients per sitting.

    If I were to eat too many carbohydrates at one sitting, a single meal could set me back two or three weeks in my weight loss. But I have a metabolic disorder that makes my body want to store almost all the carbs it gets, so that's an extreme example. My point is that everyone's different, you just have to learn how your particular body works best.

    It's good that you are aware & willing to do workouts to help "pay for it" when you know you're going to overindulge. As long as you know it's going to set you back a bit, and you're prepared to work through it & not get discouraged, that's the key. Good luck to you!
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    If it makes you feel better to work out a little extra to improve your margin on the deficit, by all means do so - I will probably do the same, but it wasn't Thanksgiving, Christmas and your birthday that got you where you are. Psychologically you should go in with a 'plan' so that when you stick to the plan, you still feel successful rather than feeling as though you are now derailed.

    For me, that means no more than ONE of any appetizers served, ONE full plate of whatever I want, and ONE piece of pie (or two half-pieces) I am sure I will be stuffed, but I am also sure I'll lean toward healthier choices, smaller portions on the really fattening foods (more than just one bite though!) and eating slowly and savoring every single bite with a silly, satisfied grin on my face.

    I also WON'T be logging the precise calories from that meal, other than a "Quick" entry of a calorie guesstimate.

    Good luck. Remember that this is a long-haul (lifelong) journey, and learning to navigate social / family events that revolve around food is an important skill to gain. Above all, ENJOY your feast. It might even shock your body into dropping a few pounds! (I hear that happens).
  • spottedlee
    Thank you everyone,, it seems majority of you said to think of it as my cheat day. I have heard of it but I am not sure what exactly it mean. Does it mean I can pig out a whole pizza and still get away with it as long I am back on track the next day?

    If so, I guess I can try the same. I never had a cheat day and I am doing so well in last 35 days, having lost 10 pounds to date.

    Again, thank you.