MFP reevaluating goals?

I lost one more pound today, and as soon as I logged it into the MFP app, I got a little notification saying something like, "Congratulations! You've lost ten pounds since... Yadayadayada" and now it reevaluated my goals and I eat 1250 calories a day. Did that happen to anyone else? What does it mean? Obviously, I know what the 1250 means, hahaha. But why does it do that?


  • I just re set it, back to where it was till i am ready to change it. lol
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    As you lose weight, your caloric intake needs to decrease in order for you to continue losing weight. If you set the calorie counter yourself, you can reset it back to where you had it. If you allow MFP to set your calories, then allow it to decrease them as you lose weight.
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    Is it something new? I've lost 21 lbs. and never received that message.... but I set my own goals too.
  • Just means that you have the "goals" area set to let MFP run the goals instead of "custom"/you setting can change it.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    It scared me the first time it did that...I didn't want to have to eat less!! LOL...but now I'm down to 1600 a day and I actually usually have a bit left over :)

    And what the person above said :)
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Well, I set my goal to be losing 2 lbs a week. Except Im so short that MFP ignores that and keeps me at 1200 calories.

    When I first started, it said I could lose .9lbs a week. As Ive lost weight, it has now changed to losing .7lbs a week. I also noticed that my BMR calories have also gone down.

    We are now smaller so we burn fewer calories living. In order for you to continue losing at the same pace, MFP lowers your daily calorie intake to account for that.

    I just have to work out more to make up for it because my calories cant go any lower.