Push up issues: maybe TMI



  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member

    This is an excellent tool.
  • ccpace4
    ccpace4 Posts: 100
    I had breast surgery before when I was in high school..and I can say it does affect push ups..I used to be able to do so many..now if I do anywhere from 10-20 it feels completely different..I'm not sure if it affects everyone..but it affected me
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    I have breast implants and I had this same issue in the past. You have to remember that they cut open your chest and it takes a long time for the muscle to heal let alone regain its strength. It sucks at first and it feels really weird to do them but I did push ups every day, increasing them by one each day and it has helped me a lot. Proper form is very very important when doing this. Over time you will be able to get back to normal. Massage is also very important because you don't want your breasts to feel hard. I would suggests push ups every day and at least 15 minutes massage per breast every night.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Improving Pushups is my specialty.

    Wide arms 3 sets of 15
    Diamonds 3 sets of 5
    Regular 3 sets of 15
    When you are done with those try flys with light weights.

    Every other day. the reps are you increase your amount by every week. If you can't do them with correct form move to your knees and do them. This does work other muscles groups, but the major muscles of the pectoralis and the triceps are still working.

    Every fourth week, do a test and see if you can do more.

    Thanks i will give that a try, never thought to very the type up

    Even rotate in pushups against a table and at an incline with your feet on a chair.

    I typically will do this 6 weeks before my PT tests and hit right around 70 pushups in a minute. Full range where your elbows are at 90 degrees and full extension. Army guy here and always max the pushups.
  • Improving Pushups is my specialty.

    Wide arms 3 sets of 15
    Diamonds 3 sets of 5
    Regular 3 sets of 15
    When you are done with those try flys with light weights.

    Every other day. the reps are you increase your amount by every week. If you can't do them with correct form move to your knees and do them. This does work other muscles groups, but the major muscles of the pectoralis and the triceps are still working.

    Every fourth week, do a test and see if you can do more.

    Thanks i will give that a try, never thought to very the type up

    Even rotate in pushups against a table and at an incline with your feet on a chair.

    I typically will do this 6 weeks before my PT tests and hit right around 70 pushups in a minute. Full range where your elbows are at 90 degrees and full extension. Army guy here and always max the pushups.

    Thanks, i pt test at the end of december, this is the only thing that gives me a hard time, sit ups and run not big deal its just these. I will definatly try that. And of course you do ur arm ;)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Thanks, i pt test at the end of december, this is the only thing that gives me a hard time, sit ups and run not big deal its just these. I will definatly try that. And of course you do ur arm ;)
    Whatever your field of service, thank you for it, and good luck!
  • Thanks, i pt test at the end of december, this is the only thing that gives me a hard time, sit ups and run not big deal its just these. I will definatly try that. And of course you do ur arm ;)
    Whatever your field of service, thank you for it, and good luck!

    Thank you, its my pleasure trust me :)
  • So i will just cut to the question, I have had breast implants for a year and a half now and i am in a job that requires me to PT test regularly, however I seem to now struggle with my Push ups more then ever and no matter how many times i practice them its seems like i cant get past three sets of ten. any sugestions

    Call and ask your plastic surgeon if the implants are making a difference. A friend of mine can't do certain lifting exercises because of her implants. It would be best to get the answer from a professional. You don't wanna hurt yourself or your boobs :)