Joined a few days ago and loving it.

I can't believe I didn't find MFP before now! This is awesome and the people here are super friendly too. As of mid August I started on a my road to back to health. I used to be a really fit person through childhood and my mid 20's, but after I got out of the Army I took some huge emotional hits which left me pretty wounded and so it was harder to stay motivated. Shortly after I got pregnant and started eating way to much and things spiraled down from there.

A few months after giving birth, I decided I wanted to get back in shape. So I tried really hard, but couldn't stick with anything for long. A year later I hurt my knee, (over did it at the gym) and that put me out of the fitness circle for a while. Eventually I started suffering from severe fatigue and all I wanted to do was stay in bed and sleep. I also battled being ill on a regular basis too.

The beginning of this year was a turning point for me. After spending 5 years sleeping my life away, I started having trouble sleeping. For the longest time I had ignored the emotional factor which had a huge impact on my life, and now it was coming back for me to finally deal with. So I made a tough decision and found someone to talk too about it. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. But I can say now that it was one of the best things that I have ever done for myself.

After several months of working through some tough emotional blockades, I woke up one day (yes, I got my sleep back) and was ready to take care of the physical side of me. But with all my fatigue issues I was not sure what to do. I went to a Dr. and had some expensive tests run, but not much was wrong with me. So I started looking into my nutrition. I ended finding a fabulous product, which helped my energy levels. Once I was able to get my energy issues under control I started a fitness program at home. I have managed to stay with it now since mid August, and have lost 18 pounds as well as 14 1/4" off my entire body!

I can't begin to explain how much better I feel now. This experience has been a complete game changer for me. I have changed my eating habits and my fitness. I look forward to what the next few months will bring me. I don't want to ever go back to the way I was. Defeated is not an option! I like who I am becoming and feel like I am whole again.

If I can make the decision to change, anyone can. You just have to make the choice!


  • fmeisele
    Great story, congratulations on changing your life and welcome, you'll enjoy it here.
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome to the community, glad you found it :) Everyone is really friendly and super supportive, just as you mentioned. Its exciting to have so many other like-minded people on this journey with us :)

    I have a LOT of weight to lose, but if you need some more support feel free to add me!
  • kjerred
    What product do you use if I may ask?