Need more motivation!!

I dont know why but Ive just been feeling soooo tired lately I dont know if its the weather changing or what but I just want to sleep! And then I feel super hungry too, I was doing so good the first 2 weeks of this diet but then somehow this week its just been off. I havent been binging on anything.. Like this morning I ate a bowl of oatmeal in hopes that I wouldnt be that hungry in the afternoon and that it would give me some energy for work this morning but it didnt seem to help that much.. I almost feel like I could be getting sick or something again but I dont feel sick. I also have just been feeling alot more stressed..I feel like theres not enough hours in the day! I am so behind in school right now so Im trying to catch up, and then I miss out on working out because Im so tired when Im done with my homework around 10-1am. And then in the mornings I go to work everyday, and then I have to get kids to take nap which they dont always do..I gained 2 pounds back this week. I dont know how I can keep myself focused on everything at an equal balance I just feel so tired =/


  • ChefCupcake
    I'm with you! I have been so hungry the past two days. I haven't gone longer than two hours without eating (unless I am sleeping, of course). I'm not sure if it's because it's suddenly colder or what it is. I know I have been more tired lately too, but then again, I've haven't gotten as much sleep as I was getting the past few weeks. I also go to work and school. I've been working out most days, therefore, I forego studying so I can work out. I've also been out of town some this week. Maybe we are feeling this way due to stress?? That would be my guess! lol
  • ChefCupcake
    Umm... I guess my last post wasn't exactly MOTIVATING, but you're not in it alone!
  • amach0727
    Honestly, you have to tell yourself that you want it. You need to want it. Stop talking and make it happen.

    People are all like "Ohh, Id give anythinggggg to be skinny!" Yeah? if you'd give anything, then get yourself outside and run. Give some energy. Give calories. Once you burn those calories, they don't come back.

    there are approximately 3500 calories are in a pound. A pound of fat can sit in the palm of your hand. Every time you lose a pound, you've taken a handful of fat from your body. Imagine it, and then make it happen.

    Also, don't weigh yourself daily, water weight is a b*tch.

    Hope this helps!
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    But I do want it, I have changed my eating habits so much, and Ive been exercising more then usual..just this week is off. I dont know where to find the time..I only can exercise at home as it is and thats when my kids are asleep.

    And maybe stress is an issue, I have had a few extra things to do everyday lately..but I cant control most of that at this point.

    It may be some water weight that I added on..I havent been eating junk.