Kind of scary...those who don't need to lose.



  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    You also have to remember there are a lot of people out there with eating disorders, too. That might be some of what you're seeing (though not all, of course). It's unfortunate to see, but it's a mental illness and they really can't help it without therapy, which isn't always easily available. I see nothing wrong with sending a message telling them they look good, though :) As long as it's not preachy or anything.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    hmm I know that some pictures are more flattering than others. Naturally I wanted to use a nice looking picture when I signed up and trust me, the outfit/pose/lighting in that pic hid the fact that I had some weight to lose. There are some people out there with problems I don't deny it. But there could be other reasons.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Yes, there are unhealthy targets on here, but the range of what is considered healthy is wide too

    You have to keep in mind frame size as well. If you are a larger frame size, you will be at the higher end of the range when it comes to ideal weight. Vice versa for small frames.

    Assuming the photos are current:

    I am concerned about the younger women here who are almost as thin as I was in high school. My own sister said I looked anorexic at 16. I thought I looked fine but when I dug up pics of me then and 15 lbs. heavier in college, I realized she was right. I was not at a healthy weight at all. I ate much healthier in college, too. I was 115, then 126 at 5'4 ish. I looked and felt better at 126-130.

    The beginning of my range is 111 lbs. If I even try to go that low, I will be sick. (I am a medium frame, so you wouldn't think it would be that bad for me at the outset.) It is my fear that these young ladies will also be making themselves sick by expecting too much from their bodies. Some of them are downright georgeous as it is. To be too thin may take away some of their beauty.

    I can see these young women using MFP to get toned up and make sure they are eating healthy, but I don't think weight loss should be a goal if they are a healthy weight.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I must admit when I first joined MFP months ago I was in the midst of my anorexia at 68 pounds and used this site to maintain or even lose more weight but now I'm 30 pounds heavier and looking to tone and gain some major muscle!!! So I do agree that this site can attract disordered eaters which is sad but we need to be there to support them nd guide them in the right and healthier direction if at all possible. MFP has helped me so much overall. I don't know what I would do without it.

  • gcineas
    gcineas Posts: 121
    I really don't think it's anyone's place to judge someone for wanting to lose more weight in a healthy manner. I want to lose more weight to be at the level of fitness I find appealing for me. To each his own right? But I do recognize that there is a fine line... when people start crossing into the underweight and obsessive zone.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Yeah, but on the otherhand, some people can take a REALLY great picture. I have a lot of flab on my arms and tummy. I need to lose just to get rid of that. Also, who knows if their picture is up to date or their weight status is up to date. I've noticed more people like to lie, like not logging all of their food, not being honest with themselves helps themselves to feel better.

    How many people have the ACCURATE/EXACT weight on their driver's license? Mine says 10lbs less... although I used to be 10lbs less!
  • Rain_Howard
    If I take what I read on here seriously I would be constantly writing snarky remarks and making myself nuts. I take it all with a tub of salt. However, I tend to agree with what you are saying. Just a general observation but I see many eating disorders either in full progress or starting. I see a huge amount of unhealthy behavior and more misinformation than wiccipedia.

    However, I will not allow myself to judge others. I will offer my support for those who want it and are doing what they can to be healthy. The rest i do my best to simply ignore. There are many people on here who have obvious mental health issues but I am not here to help them. I am here to help myself.

    Enjoy life, be kind to those that deserve it and be healthy.
  • nighthawke
    nighthawke Posts: 45 Member
    After looking through some of the profiles I have noticed some seemingly thin and healthy looking people who still have a goal of losing up to 20 pounds or more. No one needs to be able to count your ribs or vertebrae just by looking at you. That is kind of scary. Maybe everyone should send those people messages and tell them how good they look already??

    It's not our place to tell anyone that they don't need to diet anymore then it's anyone else's place to tell us we need to lose weight. People are going to do what makes them happy.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I question the authenticity of a lot of profile pictures

    I actually look like Jackie Gleason.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    You can't always tell by looking at a person. I've been told thousands of times that I'm "not fat" and acquaintances like to bash my weight loss goals.

    I look very proportional. My fat hides in the right places so I still look very pretty. No one would guess that I'm 5'2" and somewhere between 155 and 160 pounds when I wear the right clothes.

    However, I'm 20-30 pounds overweight. My doctor has confirmed this, and wants me to lose weight. Diabetes runs in my family, so I really need to do this.

    And honestly, when I was a healthy weight, my ribs did show. Sorry if you think that's ugly or not healthy. Yes, there are folks out there that lose weight when they shouldn't, but I also don't think the average person even knows what healthy looks like anymore either.

    The real test is what our healthcare professionals tell us. I believe the doctors and nurses that tell me to lose weight. I do not believe the average internet stranger. Then again, you weren't talking to me, because I don't post pictures. Then again.... I don't post pictures, because my appearance is not up for discussion.