Eating around 800 cal a day



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Lack of appetite is a sign of a slowed metabolism. Are you still losing weight? Is that your goal? Try taking it up to 1,000 daily and see what happens.

    I give up.

    More like take it up to 1800-2000 and watch the weight drop.
    Restart your metabolism!

    Its like wrapping a belt around your chest so you can only get half the air you need to breathe!
    Eating below your basal rate is starving your body!
    Eat and eat more!
    Even if its a couple empty calories.

  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Lack of appetite is a sign of a slowed metabolism. Are you still losing weight? Is that your goal? Try taking it up to 1,000 daily and see what happens.

    I give up.

    More like take it up to 1800-2000 and watch the weight drop.
    Restart your metabolism!

    Its like wrapping a belt around your chest so you can only get half the air you need to breathe!
    Eating below your basal rate is starving your body!
    Eat and eat more!
    Even if its a couple empty calories.


    You're the dude promoting all the broscience on the site?

    OP: First of all when you deprive your body of nutrients your body will start stripping down your body in order for it to survive. Due to this your body will start releasing a stress hormone called cortisol that will promote catabolism, the breaking down of muscle. You'll notice a loss but you'll be doing so much damage to your body that in a few months your immune system won't be able to fight off a common cold ,that can eventually lead to your death. Don't be stupid and get your act together, you want to do this the healthy way.
  • removed by lilymarlene
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    You may feel full with so few calories..but that doesn't mean your body is getting enough to function properly. I'm a strong advocate of not eating below your BMR level. We need a certain amount of calories just to function without doing anything..why on earth would it make sense to eat less than that?
  • lovelyl0ve
    lovelyl0ve Posts: 25 Member
    I'd just like the add as someone who has suffered from an eating disorder, that 800 calories a day is very similar to the intake of anorexics. People don't realize that, but we don't suffer from complete starvation (some do, but not all), and the average intake is probably around 500. And, the thing is, you can't trust your body to tell you that you're full, not always. When you eat little, your body adjusts to it. I would go days without eating and feel no hunger whatsoever. Hunger goes away. So, long story short, even if you aren't hungry, you do need to eat more. 800 feels great at first, but slowly, it wears you down. And you don't want to get stuck in the cycle of lowering and lowering your intake, because it's hellish. If you're full, try eating some healthy but calorie dense foods. Some nuts, nut butters (everyone knows how amazing peanut butter is), some dark chocolate, full fat dairy, grains. You'll be getting extra nutrients and your body will thank you. Stay healthy!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i am 4'10" and 97.5 pounds and i eat 800-1000 calories per day...and I am trying to lose.

    I think if it is working for you, that is what matters. I know a lot of people will disagree with what you are doing, but it is your life and we are not all the same. Do what works best for you.

    I would personally suggest just making sure to eat a bit of each food group (if you are not doing that already) to make sure you are getting a well-balanced daily meal. Honestly, I doubt everyone preaching gets all their vitamins simply through higher intake of calories...I can eat a donut and up my calorie intake by 300, but what nutrients am I getting? LOL.

    So again, my suggestion is to review what you are eating and make sure you are eating good foods. I think it is possible to eat only around 800 calories per day if you are eating very healthily (ex. fruits, veges, a few grains, fish, some cheese, a little beef etc).

    I think a lot of people tend to jump to way too many assumptions on this site. I have never been your height or weight, nor been in your shoes. While I might assume you would want to eat more, I can never know as well as you.

    Good luck!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Without meaning to sound rude - you obviously ate far more than 800 cals a day to become overweight, so how can eating more than that make you feel like you are force feeding yourself?

    I am much shorter than you and I lost weight eating between 1200 and 1600 a day, and on the days I ate 1200 I was starving!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    It's great that you recognized you need to eat more. I would suggest peanut butter, nuts, cheese and other calorie dense foods to up your cals without filling you up too much. If you eat salads and soups you can add a tablespoon of olive oil for an extra 120 cals. oh and dessert :drinker:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Probiotics help with bloat and that not so fresh tummy feeling!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Ask your doctor.
  • Mizzylizzy
    Mizzylizzy Posts: 12 Member
    800 isnt too bad :/
  • There's a concern of the starvation mode, which leads to losing valuable muscle when you diet. So when you gain weight back once you at 'normally' again, you gain even more fat...percentage-wise.
    There's also a huge concern over getting enough nutrition. 800 calories cannot possible give you all the needed vitamins and minerals, let alone enzymes and other stuff your body needs.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    It's great that you recognized you need to eat more. I would suggest peanut butter, nuts, cheese and other calorie dense foods to up your cals without filling you up too much. If you eat salads and soups you can add a tablespoon of olive oil for an extra 120 cals. oh and dessert :drinker:

    Agreed, there are lots of calorie dense yet healthy foods that will get lots of good nutrition into your body to help you stay healthy.
    Besides the ones above, consider: brown rice, avocado, bananas, full fat yoghurt, dark chocolate (in moderation!), oatmeal with full cream milk... and lots more.

    It might help to look at the foods you are already eating, you can probably substitute a better option for some things - full cream yoghurt instead of fat free for example, olive oil dressing instead of fat free. It might seem like these aren't "diet" foods, but its a good idea to focus on healthy calories to give you energy instead of cutting calories at any expense.
  • JMVice
    JMVice Posts: 6
    Try a spoonful of peanut butter for additional calories...delicious plus you get protein!
  • CraftMamaDee
    CraftMamaDee Posts: 13 Member
    .. oops for some reason this showed up in newer posts or something.. nevermind
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    uh oh!
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    Thread reported. Goodbye.

    ....Why would you report a thread about someone asking for tips and suggestions about increasing her calorie intake from 800 a day and getting advice about why she maybe shouldn't do that?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Thread was started two and half years ago.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Lack of appetite is a sign of a slowed metabolism. Are you still losing weight? Is that your goal? Try taking it up to 1,000 daily and see what happens.

    I give up.

    More like take it up to 1800-2000 and watch the weight drop.
    Restart your metabolism!

    Its like wrapping a belt around your chest so you can only get half the air you need to breathe!

    Eating below your basal rate is starving your body!
    Eat and eat more!
    Even if its a couple empty calories.

    I would never lose at 1800-2000 calories unless I started working out excessively, which I can't do. ( joint disease and very bad neck) MFP calculates that I will lose 1/2 pound a week at 1200 calories and it seems to be dead-on. I do eat back my exercise calories.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Okay thanks so much to everyone who answered! I've decided to try and up my intake even if I feel like I'm forcing myself. I'm doing this to be healthy and the last thing I want to do is damage it! I'm just going to start with adding almonds to my diet to get the calories up without filling myself up to much. If anyone has any suggestions as to what I could eat that would be great but once again thanks everyone! And thanks for not being so judgmental or confrontational too :)

    :drinker: Nuts are a great way to get extra calories and healthy fats in when you're low on calories. It doesn't take a lot to get a significant calorie boost from nuts, so you don't have to feel like you're stuffing yourself when you're not hungry.

    LOL, zombie thread!!!
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