How did you set your goal?

My goal currently is somewhat arbitrary. I am now below my "I'd be happy at that weight" and am very close to my ultimate goal, but I really don't know if that should be my goal. Visually, I see almost no changes although I went from a size 10 to a size 2...I've lost about 35 lbs. so far. I have looked at my BMI and the current ultimate goal I have is pretty much right in the middle. I keep asking people to tell me if I am starting to look too skinny. I wish I could see my weight loss for what it is. I also am getting pretty much no notice from anyone I am around, who I would think would see some sort of difference. I still look at people and compare myself to them.


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My first goal is 150 lbs, which is what I weighed my second year of college. My final goal is 135, which was my weight when I was an athlete before my second year of college.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    My goal currently is somewhat arbitrary. I am now below my "I'd be happy at that weight" and am very close to my ultimate goal, but I really don't know if that should be my goal. Visually, I see almost no changes although I went from a size 10 to a size 2...I've lost about 35 lbs. so far. I have looked at my BMI and the current ultimate goal I have is pretty much right in the middle. I keep asking people to tell me if I am starting to look too skinny. I wish I could see my weight loss for what it is. I also am getting pretty much no notice from anyone I am around, who I would think would see some sort of difference. I still look at people and compare myself to them.

    This is exactly what happened to me!!! I thought once I hit 100 pounds, I would be A-ok...but realized I looked hardly different than at 124 pounds...

    Nobody seemed to notice the weight loss, although my mom said she sort of could lol.

    So I set my next goal to 90 pounds, but at 97.5 I am still not noticing much, so I decided to set my goal to 80 pounds and if I feel I look good before I hit that, then I will stop. If I hit 80 and still feel I don't look any different, I am going to see a counselor...because then I know it has to be in my head (although I do not think I will have this problem LOL...I just seem to carry weight very well).

    Anyways, I just wanted to let you know I can relate >.< You are not alone! :flowerforyou:
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I am aiming to get to around probably 145 and re-evaluate. I am more concerned with body fat percentage than the actual number on the scale.

    Here is a calculator that might be useful.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    My goal is to be smack dab in the middle of the "normal" BMI range for my height. I'm shooting for 140-150, so if I gain back a little weight, I can still be "normal".

  • KimertRuns13_1
    Initially I did not set a weight goal. I just knew I had a lot of weight to lose. Once the pounds started coming off my goal was 10lb increments.

    Once I got to a comfy size 14 jean my goal became to get into a 10. Now that I am there and only 10lbs from what I weighed when I was wearing a 14 my goal became to stop focusing on the number on the scale. My goals now are to run, run faster, run longer and to become stronger (in the weightroom).

    I do have a weight goal in mind but haven't been out of the 160s in a year so that weight goal is becoming less important than my other goals.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    This is exactly what happened to me!!! I thought once I hit 100 pounds, I would be A-ok...but realized I looked hardly different than at 124 pounds...

    Nobody seemed to notice the weight loss, although my mom said she sort of could lol.

    So I set my next goal to 90 pounds, but at 97.5 I am still not noticing much, so I decided to set my goal to 80 pounds and if I feel I look good before I hit that, then I will stop. If I hit 80 and still feel I don't look any different, I am going to see a counselor...because then I know it has to be in my head (although I do not think I will have this problem LOL...I just seem to carry weight very well).

    Anyways, I just wanted to let you know I can relate >.< You are not alone! :flowerforyou:

    I hope you are very short....
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    My "I am ok with it" weight is the lowest I have been since having my child (150) and my ultimate goal is 10 lbs lighter which is dead center healthy BMI and it happens to be 10 lbs more than pre-baby ideal weight. My body has changed and I am not 22 so I don't think 130 would work for me any more. BUT once I get to a healthy BMI I am going to try to concentrate on toning more than the scale. If I end up 150 and athletic I will be just as happy as 140.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i picked 180 because thats the lowest i remember being in high school. i was still pretty big and not happy, but i cant imagine myself smaller than that. i lowered it to 160 the other day, but we'll see how i feel when i hit 180
  • Akjenn89
    Akjenn89 Posts: 265 Member

    I hope you are very short....

    I was thinking the same thing... it's not healthy to be at such a low weight.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I didn't start setting goals till this time I started losing weight, and I started with "Get out of the 200's" I was 205 at start weight. My first weigh in I accomplished that. Second goal "Let's see 190" I never actually seen 190 when I got to this one, I was 189. My second goal I didn't set a number to it, I just wanted to be able to fit into an outfit, I got into it, this was this months goal, I got into it, 2 weeks later it's starting to fall off me. Well the shirt is starting to look like it drapes. The top is a black spaghetti strap, which we all know they are made to cling, mine does not cling, in fact the straps fall down to my elbows, and the belly area hangs, I have big boobs so the top drapes over my boobs. The pants are 'skinny' jeans, they are size 14, they aren't too big yet, but skinny jeans they are suppose to be skin tight, well mine aren't but they aren't falling off me yet. My next goal is to be in the 170's by Thanksgiving.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    My dad was losing weight through dieting and kept rubbing it into my face.. he was 6 lbs lighter 3 weeks ago and so I wanted to beat him haha and kept telling him I would.... well that drove him to eat even less and while I would lose he would always be 5 lbs ahead.... well today I finally caught up to him... he lost the weight unhealthily through starving and he's beencomplaining about headaches all this week so I told him that running and healthy eating was the healthy way to lose weight so he started running... I feel bad now about trying to beat an old man but it worked for me _ plus I'm competing with this chick to run a marathon...
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    This is exactly what happened to me!!! I thought once I hit 100 pounds, I would be A-ok...but realized I looked hardly different than at 124 pounds...

    Nobody seemed to notice the weight loss, although my mom said she sort of could lol.

    So I set my next goal to 90 pounds, but at 97.5 I am still not noticing much, so I decided to set my goal to 80 pounds and if I feel I look good before I hit that, then I will stop. If I hit 80 and still feel I don't look any different, I am going to see a counselor...because then I know it has to be in my head (although I do not think I will have this problem LOL...I just seem to carry weight very well).

    Anyways, I just wanted to let you know I can relate >.< You are not alone! :flowerforyou:

    I hope you are very short....

    I am. Keep forgetting they got rid of sigs haha my sig used to say my height (i'm a legal midget) :smile:
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I can never remember being smaller than a size 14 (UK) but even for my height I know that's overweight. I am aiming for roughly the middle of my BMI but we'll see when I get down there. That for me is 118 lbs. We'll see when I get there how much difference it makes.
    I know I've lost a bit because I'm back down to a 14 (from a 20) but I visually can't see anything either, It's annoying.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    the lowest I ever weighed was 237 lbs. and that was when I was 17 and in high school. I was happy then and I'd be really good with another 10-15 lbs more off. so I came up with 220 lbs. for my goal.
  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    Perhaps you should keep your weight as it is. The most important is to be healthy , not skinny. Whenn I was very skiny I got I'll very often. Be happy with your achievement !!
  • melindaw1977
    Thanks for all of your responses. I think I'm going to stay at 1200 calories for now. I've upped my weights and lowered my cardio. I think I'll see how I feel around the end of the month and hopefully just go forward slowly and work myself off of this loss plan to the maintenance. I am happy where I am at and I see it occasionally. I have to videotape myself for school and in some of those videos, I do see it. I think it is so unbelievable to me that I have actually done it!
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I've hit my ultimate goal and I'm very happy. That said I don't really "see" what I've done all the time. And honesty, no one else sees it either, except my boyfriend but he has a unique perspective.

    Being done with the losing phase and moving onto maintenance has a mental element to it that you have to respect. It's great but trickier than we've been lead to believe.

    Pull out an old pair of pants or try that size on and stand in the mirror and really, really, look at what you've accomplished.

    Your basic shape probably hasn't changed much, so just being smaller, you still see your shape and not the loss. So to your minds eye, which is great with shapes, no so great with volume, you look the same. Every once in a while showing yourself the comparison. It will help your mind catch up with what you've done.

    Good luck with maintenance and congratulations on you loss.
  • melindaw1977
    Thanks! I actually still wear some of those old clothes because I just haven't had the $ or the time to get out and buy new things. I do see it when they are hanging off of me. I even put on the size twos and think to myself, they must have changed their standards for who can wear a size two. I look at them when they are not on and think it's not possible that I can fit all of my extra rolls into those. But I do, and I do it well. I think this is all good and good stages for me to go through, so I am aware and won't get to a high weight like I did before.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I picked the weight I felt most comfortable at in the past - 110. It may be harder to set a concrete weight if it's a new weight for you, but you'll know it when you get there!
  • madisonsteelex
    I picked mine mostly because it's right in the middle of a healthy BMI range for me
    I cannot remember ever being in the 120s, I must have been in seventh or eighth grade, probably just before I hit puberty
    I never really had a scale but I'm pretty sure I was in the 130s when I was a freshman in high school, and I know I was 148 when I graduated high school
    I'm now 135 and I still feel bigger than I felt in high school
    So I hope I'm comfortable in the 120s