plateau weakness

i am stuck!! been doing this nice and slow the right way. but i am considering a temporary crash diet just to get me past this plateau.. i am going to florida next month and i would feel much happier about it if i was not still stuck. if i could drop 5- 10 pounds i think i could get past the yo-yo stage i am in and be able to continue to my long term goal the right way. any suggestions???


  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    That's unfortunate, seeing as you have a trip to Florida coming up... I honestly think if you tried a crash diet, you'd only keep yourself in a plateau even longer. Try eating your maintenance calories for a few weeks, then go back to what you were doing before. Plateaus happen, and yours is just at an inconvenient time. Maybe you'll still be able to lose a few pounds before you go. Good luck!
  • thop123
    thop123 Posts: 65 Member
    Maybe this is bad advice but I was at a plateau for 2 solid years. I exercised 3-5 days a week and I kept my calories low. I didnt get past it until I was uber stressed and didn't eat much. I lost 10lbs. The difference could be that at 140 my body was at a comfortable weight and thats why it was pretty much impossible to get past that plateau.
    So I think you should take into consideration if your still overweight or if your in your healthy weight range, you just want to lose more. If the latter is not the case, I'd say dont try the crash diet. You may slip up on your trip and after a crash diet you might quickly gain it all back and then some.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    No, do not do a crash diet. It will take you further from your goal, not closer.

    Do you have a good plan you're following? Are you living a healthy lifestyle and eating at a moderate calorie deficit? If so everything is going to work out. Looking back, there were times when I wasn't losing weight for weeks and weeks. It was mildly frustrating, but I stayed the course because I knew over time, the tried and true methods work.

    Your diary is private so it's hard to guess as to what may be going right or wrong. But just a guess - one of the most common issues that keeps people stuck is chronic under-eating. Are you hitting your calorie target day after day?
  • Danahimself
    Danahimself Posts: 279 Member
    Dont stress relax and enjoy some time off but everything in moderation right? I overcame 2 plateaus I feel by simply taking it easy for like a week and consuming more calories but not like a "crash" type deal yet I have done that as well. : )
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I tend to have the same problem, I plateau after every 5-8 lbs lost and it is very frusterating. I have tried the zig-zag method. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Best of luck to you.
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    yes i do tend to under eat but i work really really hard at eating and working out everyday.
    my major problem is not eating enough ( that sounds so stupid haha) i have not logged my food on here lately i had prk laser eye surgery and am not able to look at a screen for long yet.. i am hoping to start logging again by monday.