Starting again!

I'm Dan, 19 from the UK and this is my second day using MFP and I'm loving the app, I just hope the blackberry app is out soon as I'm switching to it soon! If anyone wants to add me go for it, it's always nice and motivating to see people working at it also! I don't really know anyone IRL doing the same thing as me so it's always good to see peoples status updates and what not! I've tried before and failed but this time it's for good, no silly diets just healthy eating for life! I expect to slip up at times but who doesn't, we're not perfect!!

I'm also interested on how you guys are going about losing you weight also some tips, recipes would be amazing! Hoping to lose a good 80-100lbs but it's gonna be the best decision ever!
Good luck


  • stevieb3052
    stevieb3052 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Dan and welcome to MFP. You'll find lots of motivation and encouragement on here, some good advice and some not so good.

    Making friends is easy too, add me if you wish.
  • Sunlight2011
    Sunlight2011 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi Dan! Its the first step to a brighter future. Good luck to you and add me of you like. You'll find loads of encouragement on here and the food tracking stuff is excellent and keeps you in check.