Parenting Sugestions



  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    i wouldnt lie, well not about asthma anyway as your son may be questioned about it and then he either has to lie or drop you in it. how about saying you're an overprotective/ paranoid mum and cant relax when hes away...thats not going to make her feel bad or defensive.

    You could try the truth but they are likely to get defensive...I know, I was a smoker. I avoided smoking around my kids most of the time and I felt guilty when I did smoke around them and that guilt would make me defensive if anyone questioned me on it.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    This is one reason (of a few) why we don't do sleepovers, period.

    Telling them your son has asthma is an outright lie that could backfire eventually. Instead, you could tell them that your kid is "sensitive" to cigarette smoke. That will probably still piss them off and put them on the defensive, however. I think if it were me, I'd just decline every invitation until eventually they get the idea. Have the friend over to your house instead. :smile:
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I think I would try to be honest without being too brash. I'd explain to them that while they are very nice people, you've never smoked around your son, and you're not sure how he'd react to the smoke.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Non-smokers who are exposed to breathing in tobacco smoke at home have a 25% higher risk of developing lung cancer or heart disease. If this is added to exposure in the workplace and public places, the risk goes up to as high as 60%.

    Many children are affected by passive smoking in the home. In the UK almost half of all children are exposed to secondhand smoke indoors, as either one or both parents smoke in front of them. Doctors say that more than 17,000 children a year, who are under the age of 5 years old, are admitted into hospital due to the harmful effects of passive smoking. If parents did not smoke at home, these illnesses and admissions into hospital could have been avoided.

    Babies and children are especially at risk and their health, as a child and even as an adult in years to come, is jeopardised if they are exposed to passive smoking at home.

    Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a product of two of the three types of tobacco smoke produced when a person smokes a cigarette.

    The first type of smoke that makes up ETS is exhaled mainstream smoke. Exhaled mainstream smoke is the smoke that is first of all inhaled by the smoker upon taking a puff of a cigarette and then breathed out into the air from his lungs.

    The second type of smoke that makes up ETS is called sidestream smoke. Sidestream smoke is the smoke that drifts upwards and into the air from the tip of a burning cigarette.

    Finally, the third type of smoke that is produced on smoking a cigarette, but which does not make up ETS is mainstream smoke. This is the smoke that is inhaled by the smoker himself, through the cigarette and which stays inside the body.

    Mainstream smoke and exhaled mainstream smoke are not the same, as they differ chemically. After inhaling cigarette smoke into the lungs, some of the smoke stays in the body, along with some of the chemical substances, whilst the rest is exhaled together with the remaining chemical substances. The exhaled smoke undergoes several chemical changes upon coming into contact with enzymes from the tissues of the human body before being released into the air. Mainstream smoke is the smoke that stays inside the smoker's body and is not breathed out into the air.
  • branflake5
    I would just tell them the truth. I would think most people would not be offended, its not like ur gonna say "hey u stink my kids not coming to u r stinky smoky house" right.....

    So assuming you are just going to give it to them straight say "We have decided that we would prefer the kids to have sleepovers at our house, we are concerned with the smoking, and we just don't want him to be around it. We don't want to offend you in anyway and we want the kids to continue to be friends and get to hang out, but we don't want our kid to be around the smoke" if it were me ; the smoker house; I would not be offended.