trying this post again...

I'm trying to figure out the correct way to calculate my calorie burn. Livestrong .com gave me a math equation to plug my heart rate weight age and such in to figure it out. It's said I burned over 1000 calories in my workout. MFP says I burn 600+ and a third heart rate calculator said I only burned 300+ calories. These are huge differences and I really need to know. Cause If I don't start losing weight soon I'm gonna stop exercise. It's simply becoming super frustrating when I was losing without any extra exercise grrr
I have a cheaper polar hrm that says my average heart rate was 132bpm and I exercised for 52 minutes I'm 28 I weigh 235.
Can somebody please help.


  • alz6690
    I completely understand how you feel, I've felt the same on several occasions. At the gyms the cross trainer and bike always have a different number of calories burned to those here on MFP. I've spoken to my trainer about it and he said that you need to factor in your weight into the equation. My guess is that 600ish is probs about right, that's only based on my guestimate.

    The one thing my traienr says to me whenever I bring this up, is that exercise is about more than boosting weight loss, it's about making your body stronger and fitter. Exercise does help weight loss but it only accounts for 20% the rest is food. This shouldn't put you off working out. Because in the long run, as you get fitter you can burn more calories by oushing yourself harder while you workout. This is just what he says and I kinda believe it too!

    Hope this helps a bit!