guys what am i doing wrong?



  • bamadiva2011
    Hi Laura
    I read your message on the message board, and I know how discouraged you may be feeling right now. But, hang in there and keep persevering. Sounds like you are working hard at the Gym. The scales may not show that you are losing lbs. but you may be building muscle, which weighs more than fat. Instead you may be losing inches.

    You are young and beautiful and I know you can do it. Keep track of your calories and stay within the bounds of your limit. Remember, it took months, or years ( like it did for me) to gain the excess lbs, and it's not going to come off in a couple weeks or months, but it will if we don't stop trying. Keep at it, it will.

    Some one asked the question: " How do you move a mountain?" the answer was: "One shovel at a time." :) ..and so the story goes... perseverance and patience.

    Another suggestion too, is ask yourself what caused you to gain all the weight in the first place? It's not just the food we eat that causes the wt. gain, it can be deep rooted emotional problems that we need to deal with.

    Good luck! YOU CAN DO IT! so don't give up...
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    oh and my pants dont even feel loose at all. great.

    I wouldn't worry about it. I started out at about the same weight as you and my pants didn't feel loose until I'd lost more than 20 pounds. But that didn't mean nothing was going on. My face thinned and I lost the fat pads on my upper torso first, then my spare tire drained, and only then did I start losing the fat that was keeping me in size 14 jeans. But once it started, I dropped sizes quickly because I'd already lost the worst of the fat from the rest of my body. I'm in size 4s now. Your pattern of loss may well be different from mine, but the point is that fat loss is selective for most people. It's just that Mother Nature gets to make the selections, not you.
  • Meg2012
    Meg2012 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey Laura,

    Yes, 5.5 lbs in a month is what most fitness professionals would call ideal. You are not extremely obese, so it's not going to come off by the 10s & 20s month 1, ya know?

    Also, you didn't put weight on overnight, so it wont come off that way either!

    Ok, cardio - are you on machines like tredmill or eliptical? Are you taking classes?

    Lifting - are you using a personal trainer or kind of muddling though it on your own? You may want to increase your weight so you get 8-10 reps with good form. If you're pounding out 20 reps on a weight, your weight is too light!

    From what you've mentioned about loving soup... check your sodium content! Canned soup, and diet soda tend to be high in sodium! (That will prevent you from losing water weight!)

    Do yourself a favor... even if you make your diary private, honestly log everything for one week, no judgments. And then go back and see where you can tweak things. The point is being brutally honest... log every shot, every beer (hey, you're in college) every "handfull" of cheerios.

    Snacks: try switching your handfulls of cheerios for a bag of pre-cut veggies. Or apples & bannanas.

    As far as calories vs working out... make sure you're fueling yourself correctly on your intense work-out days. Otherwise your body will go into starvation mode.