That wasn't ok and I'm sorry it happened to you



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm hurt that this bothered you and you have to bring it back up as a separate thread the next day.

    I'm sorry that a discussion of Christian Scripture in a Christian Group discussing a topic very dear to you seems to be dragged through the mud yet again here on MFP. As one of the two topic threads that you are referring to, I wish you had been able to read the Christian pov thread. Perhaps that would have been a better read for you than the debate thread?

    As you know, groups were created so that likeminded people can politely discuss matters. I support your idea to contribute to making MFP a less hateful place and thank you for understanding that groups are a wonderful way to have a safe place to dicuss matters from specific p.o.v.s or goals.

    peace to you.

    As I read both threads I have to say I was equally sickened by both. The intolerance shown in the Christian Group thread was very disturbing and although not as forthcoming in hate as the post on the main boards it was still visible and I am glad the mod of that group finally took the post down altogether.

    This. I didn't hear about the thread in the Christians Unite group until later, but after reading it, I was very disturbed also. I'm all for spirited discussion on hot-topic issues, but there's a line that should not be crossed when doing so.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Just want to pull us back on the topic, which is that anyone who has felt marginalized and hurt (no matter what group you are in and agree with or aren't in and don't "get"), I don't think it is ok for anyone, individual or segment of society, to be ganged up upon and ostracized.

    This means, even the people I disagree with. You should feel welcomed here and should feel magnanimous enough to be welcoming and accepting of others, even if you disagree.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    +1 to everything said.

    I read one of the topics, but did not even know there was a second in the Christians Unite groups until I read this post.

    I'm not trying to turn this into another debate on beliefs or anything, but it really bothers me when I see people use religion--ANY religion as a backdrop of bigotry. I myself am not religious, but I work with people who are. In fact, I work directly with and under a convent of nuns on a daily basis.

    Let me just say, I see these women every single day, embracing everyone of all walks of life. Even if they do not share that persons beliefs or lifestyle, they consider every single person a brother or sister and love them with all their heart. I cannot speak for them, but I cannot imagine that this hatred and bullying would be something that they would want tied to their religion and beliefs. It's a shame that some people take teachings that embrace love and then twist it into something so ugly.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member

    Topic locked at OP's request

This discussion has been closed.