New to this

Within the last 7 months I have gained 70 pounds. I really need something that works. I hope this works. Any extra tips anyone has that could help me out would be greatly appreciated and some friends for support too!!! Thanks alot


  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    The support piece is huge. Believe in yourself and the process and find people who will believe for you when you can't! Feel free to add me.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jodimcd
    jodimcd Posts: 14 Member
    you can do it! add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • I am also new to this, but I know past experiences that trying to lose weight without support is very difficult. You can also add me if you'd like..! Good luck with everything! :)
  • bethany_22
    bethany_22 Posts: 203 Member
    Make sure you are counting your calories! I never use to think much of what I was eating until I began counting calories. I realized how much I was eating and how many calories I was having. It was terrible.

    I might not log on MFP what I ate for a few days, but I make sure that I write everything I eat/drink and what time in a notebook. This helps me go back and see what I ate, how much I ate and what time I ate.

    I try not to eat past 7pm. I have a hard time with this sometimes, so to help, I brush my teeth so I don't eat. I find that that really helps me.

    I try to exercise every day and I do NOT eat back the calories I burned. I know some people believe that you should be eating back your exercise calories, but I feel that I will lose more weight by not eating them back.

    Those are just a few tips, I hope they help and I am always here if you need support!

  • Good luck to all of you as well!!
  • Hello!
    Welcome to the site! A piece of advice I would give you is watch what and how much you eat. You will learn all about portion control while logging your foods in. Also, when you calculate your exercise and record them into the database, the site will add the calories you burned to your daily goal. That does not mean that you could/should use those "extra" calories by eating more. If so, you would just maintain your current weight.

    Just remember....losing weight can be difficult and some days are going to be easier than others but, you have a good support system here on this website. Please, add me as a friend if you like and if you need more advice or support send me a message. We are all in the same boat and support is right at your fingertips!

    Good can do it!:wink:

  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome! I hope the rapid weight gain is not due to a medical condition. I'm looking forward to joining you in this journey and seeing you progress. Its not easy but you will condition yourself to be more mindful of what you eat. Make sure your food diary is open to your friends so we can help you along the way. Log every bite even the bad ones:) Best of luck to you!