Minor rant...do you get the "stop losing weight" comment



  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    Don't let it bug you. I haven't had an issue with family and friends yet, but I have had a problem with coworkers. They try to peer pressure people into eating donuts or another slice of birthday cake. I know I'm not the only one either. There's a guy I work with who lost a ton of weight (from 300+ lbs probably to an extremely fit ~180-190 lbs) and even though he's maintaining now, people still say, "Stop losing weight, you're too skinny, etc."

    I do think that in part, it's a way for them to rationalize their own eating. They see very fit people who have a strict diet and who don't eat a lot of sweets, and they think, "Why, I would never want to do something so restrictive! In defiance, I'm going to eat another slice of cake!" I think it might be a skewed sense of what is healthy as well. I live in the Midwest, and a huge percentage of people are overweight or obese in this part of the country. People think that being overweight is normal.

    I agree that perhaps it's jealousy as well. They wish that they had the motivation to exercise regularly and eat well.