Hi All

Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
I'm here to lose some weight!
I have diabetes, so it's crunch time!
I've yo-yo dieted for the past year - since being diagnosed, and in urgent need of support.
I want to lose 7st - well if I'm honest, I need to too!
I'd also like to be a role model for my 10 year old boy, who has put weight on recently.
I've been on the internet lately, grabbing as many healthy eating recipes as I can find to help my whole family eat a lot more healthily.


  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I'm here to lose some weight!
    I have diabetes, so it's crunch time!
    I've yo-yo dieted for the past year - since being diagnosed, and in urgent need of support.
    I want to lose 7st - well if I'm honest, I need to too!
    I'd also like to be a role model for my 10 year old boy, who has put weight on recently.
    I've been on the internet lately, grabbing as many healthy eating recipes as I can find to help my whole family eat a lot more healthily.
  • brazeaut
    brazeaut Posts: 31 Member
    I have been told by many people that using a diabetic diet is one of the best diets out there to aid in weight loss and it's downright healthy eating that you can stick to for life, diabetic or not. Personally I will be honest, I had a really hard time with it but it still aids in how I eat today. (I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy.)

    Good luck to you! The best thing you can do is change your lifestyle to avoid having to be medicated to resolve the issues. My step father passed last February due to complications related to his diabetes, so it's a very scary thing.

    Many here have the same goals of being a good role model for our kids so you will have a lot of support here for that as well!!!!
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hi brazeaut
    Thanks for replying, and so quickly too!!!
    I am taking metformin to help control my sugar, but have been warned that I will be put on insulin if I don't do what I'm told.
    Sorry to hear about your father. My mother, sister, cousin and uncle all have diabetes - so I suppose I knew I would end up with it, but didn't want to believe it - you know the old - well it won't happen to me - trouble is, it did, and now I have to adapt and learn to live with it - but oh boy do those cream cakes and chocolates beckon me when I go shopping - think I might do shopping on the internet - cut out some of the temptation.