Why "MyFitness Pal"



  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    Found the phone app first and just wanted to track meals on vacation, then started checking out the web page, creeped around awhile before getting friends, probably due to shame of how much I have to lose and afraid I wouldn't be able to stick to it. I love the sight and the support I get from friends all with one common goal -- losing weight and living healthy. The boards are full of inspiration from the littlest nsv to the huge goals reached and maintained. Some that make you smile and laugh and some that bring you to tears. A new way of life for me, almost 60 lbs lighter and at it for 145 days today. It may not work for everyone, but if you give it your heart and your time I think it has definite possibilities. I say go for it and give it a shot, nothing to lose but pounds. Good luck.
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 271 Member
    You've just found one of the most supportive groups you could ever look for! I thought I could do this on my own usong weight watchers. low carb, low fat and others too dumb to mention. Here, you aren't shunned for a bad day and are allowed that treat as long as you plan/account for it. I've lost 13 pounds and it really hasn't been all that bad. On the days I want to give up, my friends inspire me to go on. Who could ask for more??
  • bigC1979
    I like My fitness pal because it keeps me in check and honest with myself. Accountability an awesome tool for weight loss!
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am a 31 yo mom of 3 and have struggled with weight loss since as long as I can remember. I have tried Jenny Craig, Herballife, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, Low Carb - you name it.

    My friend, who lost 40 lbs with myfitnesspal.com, recommended I join. She expalined this site was different.

    I would like to know of your personal stories with weight loss and tell me why you love myfitnesspal.


    Ha Funny I've tried all the same diets! plus some! But this time it's different, it's not relying on someone else telling me what to eat, it's putting it back on me and making me learn how to control the ins and the outs. With MFP on my phone I can have it with me to remember to log and check cal's when I need to make a healthy choice. I love it! I'm grateful I found it and wish you all the best!
  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    I like My fitness pal because it keeps me in check and honest with myself. Accountability an awesome tool for weight loss!

    I think that's been the best piece for me too. I need a level of accountability...even if it's just to myself.
  • ckatastrophy
    ckatastrophy Posts: 112 Member
    I am 42yr old & have struggled with wt issues since I was 10. I've been on here since 6/8/2011 and, as you can see by my ticker, lost 35lbs! I've tried many other diets & programs, but this one works for me. I think it has to do with the support from my MFP friends. They cheer me on when I'm doing great & trying new things & lift me up and help me get back into the swing of things when I falter. The plan works with real foods & it's easier than any of the diets/programs I've tired in the past. And I can take it everywhere since I have the app for my phone, too.

    I love my pals here & have found the support & tools I need to achieve my goals.

    Hope you'll enjoy the site as much as I do. Good luck with your goals!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I love it because I've been overweight/obese most of my life. I've attempted to lose the weight multiple times and have NEVER had the success I've had using MFP. I tried logging what I ate about 15 years ago (pre-everything being on the internet) and it was a pain, so I only did it for like a week. MFP makes it super easy and so far, I've lost 54 of the 100 lbs I'd like to lose.
  • Rain_Howard
    ehh, the jury is still out on this one.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I love the food log, exercise log and place for journaling. We have a diet and exercise coach for free. Who wouldn't like it. I love it!
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I love it because when I started mfp back in July I was just looking for a calorie counter for my phone. I was able to find anything and everything in the food database. I then saw that there was a website. I went there and saw that there were tons upon tons(pun not intended) of people in the same situation that I was in. It gave me the feeling that I was not alone in this fight for fitness. I have gained so much knowledge from these people and absolutely consider them my friends even though I have never met them face to face or know what some of them look like. They celebrate my victories and pick me up when I'm feeling depressed about overindulging and really give me the support I need. The calorie counter is great but the support is truly invaluable. (plus its a lot cheaper than jenny craig or weight watchers and the foods better LOL!!)
  • KimertRuns13_1
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I agree with what everyone says. 2 close friends recommended this to me and I figured what the hey.

    The reasons why I like this site/am successful (down 21 lbs and am 6 lbs away from my pre-baby weight):

    1. I am in control. No one is telling me what to eat or what not to eat. I can decide how much weight I want to lose and all they tell me is what calories I would need to achieve that weight loss. I can decide how much I want to exercise and I do since I'm trying to get healthier and I like to eat so I do want more food.

    2. The support on here is awesome!!! I've met such sweet and wonderful people who understand my frustrations and don't bash me. My hubby is highly supportive but doesn't always understand why I freak out if I gain 3 lbs during my TOM and tells me just to NOT WORRY....yeah right. The people on here get it and are going through it to. This journey is definitely unique.

    3. It holds me accountable. Even though (back to #1) I'm in control, the fact is that by logging what I eat I'm accountable for what I put in my mouth. It's all about me and the fact that I'm finally being honest and putting it on paper holds me accountable for my choices.

    4. It has taught me so much. After I gave birth to my children I lose 1/2 the weight I gained just by delivery (it happened both times). But with my daughter I maintained that weight loss (give or take a couple of lbs) for 15 months. I thought I was eating healthy and making healthy choices. By logging and having to see how many calories are in items I learned that I am really stupid when it comes to how many calories are in something......like at some of my favorite restaurants I thought I was making healthy choices and these meals were easily 900-1200 calories....FOR 1 MEAL!!!

    This is my journey and no one elses. I am doing this in a way that is sustainable and I'm eating whatever I want....as long as I can log my calories. I'm learning to make my favorites in healthier low cal ways.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!!!
  • IB_John
    I had a food/exercise tracker on my Palm Pilot, remember them? Worked great and this go around I started using MFP as a food/exercise tracker. But I think the difference and what I was missing is using the Friends, challenges and blogs to publicly declare your goals, successes and even failures.

    Keep with it every day - all the tools tracking, posting and reading others stories. I even set MFP as my home page on my computer.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! :-)

    I was obese from age 8 to 28, and was bullied out of my school because of my weight. I zig zagged with my weight through college, and after college, I gave up on losing weight. Everything I tried didn't work, and whenever I stopped losing weight, I gave up.
    In August of this year, my friend Heather told me about this site, and I thought I'd give it a try. The first few weeks, I didn't lose weight, but, I was losing inches off of my body. Then I started to lose pounds. I love the fact that I can eat whatever I want, as long as it's within my calories, carbs, protein, fat, and sodium numbers. I love keeping track of my workouts. I've lost over 25 pounds because of this site. My body has changed dramatically, and I never feel as if I'm going without anything. I never feel like I'm starving. My blood pressure has become normal, and I've broken out of the obese category, and I'm in the middle of the overweight category of the BMI.
    The people on here are incredibly supportive. We are all in this together, and people are there for you when you need them. When I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, people helped me with recipe ideas that are gluten/wheat free. If you plateau, people encourage you to keep going.
    I don't think of this site as a diet site. It's a lifestyle change site.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Because I am strongly against diet food restrictions. I strongly believe, for me, that is not about reducing my complex carbohydrates, reducing my artificial corn syrup, removing all processed food, nonorganic foods are the devil, etc. For me, its a number game, keeping my calories burned higher than my calories consumed. So if I want pizza, ill get pizza. If I want sushi, ill get sushi. Its just about monitoring the quantity
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    I guess My Fitness Pal because it works. It not only tracks calories, but also sodium among other things. You have people that are going through weight loss problems also. You can ask what works. When you make friends on this site it really helps to motivate you and you can do this at your own pace. Just log in everything, everyday, good or bad. It also helps to open your diary to your MFP "friends". Good luck with your journey. :smile:
  • jresh
    jresh Posts: 7 Member
    Why My Fitness Pal?? Because keeping a food diary makes me painfully aware of how many calories I was eating! This great tool has gotten me back on track! Thank you!!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Well I've been on many diets but MFP just has too much to offer. I was trying to find something my husband would use and this was it, me too of course. But now I love it, especially the recipes function. I can use it to figure out of a recipe is ok or not. I used to fall off my diet because I got tired of the hours of looking up dietary data on everything and then figuring out my daily totals. MFP takes all that guesswork out of dieting and made it easy for a very busy person to diet and get it all done :love:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Simple. This #*@^ WORKS!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    MFP makes it simple to track what you are putting in your body and the efforts you exert to burn those calories. You are able to look back over the day and see where you might have over indulged on fun sized candy bars. You need to put in the effort of be honest with yourself and log what you are eating but MFP makes it easier to accomplish. As compared to WeightWatchers {I think I just vomited a little in my mouth}, walking in to a meeting and stepping onto a scale made me feel more like a slab of beef than a person, they were more focused on a number and did not take into account the fitness. My Fitness Pal accounts for fitness; here they are not just focused on the weight number. As you can tell from your post there are a wide range of opinions out there and you will find somebody who is close to your experiences and you can support each other.