Hi, new here, looking to lose 100+!



  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome.....you've made a lot of good steps in the right direction. I've got 91-101 lbs to lose and have lost 6. I know this going to be a really tough battle, but I'm refusing to give up this time. I have spent waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many days the last 8 years hating life and the way I look and feel. It is SUCH a waste of time, and all for what.........food??? It's crazy. Not to say I don't have my setbacks - the last two weeks have been really hard and I got somewhat off track, but not totally. I'm now back in the game and have restructured my diet to help me even more.
    Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support eachother :-)