

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    i will say again

    DO NOT USE RAT AND MOUSE POISONS, IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree with this, especially since you have dogs.

    I worked for a vet for 5 years. We saw a lot of very sick dogs (and cats) who found rat poison. It wasn't pretty. :frown:
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i will say again

    DO NOT USE RAT AND MOUSE POISONS, IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree with this, especially since you have dogs.

    I worked for a vet for 5 years. We saw a lot of very sick dogs (and cats) who found rat poison. It wasn't pretty. :frown:

    yep spent most of yesturday afternoon trying to make a dog vomit ended up having to send it the er at closing time, they finally had sucess, nothing like a dog with an iron clad tummy eating poison.
  • greeeek
    greeeek Posts: 12 Member
    Haha, this made me giggle!

    I live in the middle the corn field mania and every fall when they harvest, we always get 2 or 3 mice.

    The only thing that has ever worked, and it works well, is mouse traps!

    I know it sounds gory & awful, but it's not that bad. Just load a few on every floor with cheese (because those jerks can eat it!) and they can't resist. Who can resist cheese?!

    Best of luck!
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    Thanks for the ideas so far. We can't get a cat as DH hates them. I don't want to do poison as I worry about them dying in the walls/ceilings. I'll need to figure out WHERE they are getting in under the house for the steel wool, but that does sound like a good idea!

    Has any body used the big traps you supposedly can use over and over?

    They don't work. We had one in our shed and I bought this contraption. Little **** ate the peanut butter without the door closing. I picked it up and set it down on the shelf and the door shut so they ARE crafty.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Why does he hate cats? We have six and five dogs and live in serious mouse country. We routinely have wood rats, pack rats and mice at the barn, but pretty much rodent free in the house. Although outside they are crazy, we had 1200 dollars in repair bills this summer from pack rats. We did have a mouse in the house once and the ensuing cat/dog chaos caused the mouse to throw itself on the mouse trap. (true story) I ended up writing a funny poem about it, (see blogs) but left out the dead mouse part.
    Steel wool in openings to limit access, try velveeta and place the traps along the wall so the mice have to run across the bait part, its a more effective way to set the trap. If you arer not squeamish the glue traps work good, but you have to kill the mouse.
    We have Skipper key/healer mixes & a border cattle dog mix and they have all caught their fair share of rats & mice outside. The outside female skipper key has about 1/2 dozen nothches in her belt. Thay are bred for it. Good alternative to a cat.

    I agree with other posters, don't use poison if you have other animals or kids it's very dangerous and accidents can be expensive and/or fatal.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Why does he hate cats? We have six and five dogs and live in serious mouse country. We routinely have wood rats, pack rats and mice at the barn, but pretty much rodent free in the house. Although outside they are crazy, we had 1200 dollars in repair bills this summer from pack rats. We did have a mouse in the house once and the ensuing cat/dog chaos caused the mouse to throw itself on the mouse trap. (true story) I ended up writing a funny poem about it, (see blogs) but left out the dead mouse part.
    Steel wool in openings to limit access, try velveeta and place the traps along the wall so the mice have to run across the bait part, its a more effective way to set the trap. If you arer not squeamish the glue traps work good, but you have to kill the mouse.
    We have Skipper key/healer mixes & a border cattle dog mix and they have all caught their fair share of rats & mice outside. The outside female skipper key has about 1/2 dozen nothches in her belt. Thay are bred for it. Good alternative to a cat.

    I agree with other posters, don't use poison if you have other animals or kids it's very dangerous and accidents can be expensive and/or fatal.

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member


    Thanks I knew I wasn't spelling it right, but was too lazy to look it up. The:bigsmile: y are little dogs that are as brave as lions and absolutely loyal.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member


    Thanks I knew I wasn't spelling it right, but was too lazy to look it up. The:bigsmile: y are little dogs that are as brave as lions and absolutely loyal.

    they are
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    We had mice and had an exterminator come in and put little poison blocks in every corner of the house. They're the kind that also dehydrate the mouse when its dead, so they don't rot and stink. We had a one year old at the time, and just made sure the blocks were hidden and inaccessible. The guy also said that children could eat one and not be harmed because its a dosage by weight.
    I didn't like the idea of having it in the house, but it was the only thing that worked.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Neighbor had chipmunks tearing up things in her crawl space and they lived in the woodpile. Exterminator said use rat traps (HUGE and bigger than mouse traps). Its illegal in Illinois to use live traps and relocate them.
    First night I caught 1 in a rat trap for her. Next night the whole trap went missing. Figured a chipmunk bought the farm and a bigger animal like a raccoon or possum dragged it away.
    Ended up screwing the new trap to a 2"x6" 4 foot long board and then the traps stayed put. Caught 1 per night for a few weeks and then the problem was gone. Used peanut butter for bait as it is highly aromatic and sticks to the trigger.

    I would do something similar with mouse traps. Peanut butter and screw the trap down to something big.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Has any body used the big traps you supposedly can use over and over?

    We did. We put peanut butter in it and they would get stuck inside the one way trap. We took the trap to a field about a mile away and released them. It took a few times as it was a LARGE group but then no more mice.
  • harleigh67
    five gallon bucket with hole drilled each side slid a rod in and through a pop can then through hole on other side, put peanut butter around middle of can make sure can will spin on rod, put a board on side like a ramp for mice to run up, fill bucket with about six inches or water, best trap design I ever used:happy:
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Not too bad, nutrition-wise.

    Added it to the database, in the event it is helpful. Found my data here:

  • greeeek
    greeeek Posts: 12 Member
    Not too bad, nutrition-wise.

    Added it to the database, in the event it is helpful. Found my data here:


    Hahahah! Barf!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    They have no-kill mouse exterminators.

    I hope you are not using the painful traps. Mice are very sociable and loving animals, so it is really f'd up if you are torturing them to death (and yes, you are the one doing it -- not the trap. You bought and placed it there. Their deaths are your fault). If you are talking about the painful traps disappearing, think about it: They probably are stuck in pain on one of these traps, and are trying to drag themselves to safety while slowly dying.

    If you are using the no-pain/no-kill traps, please excuse my rant~^^

    Honestly though, just get an exterminator if it bothers you so much. If you cannot afford one, I would suggest speaking with a financial adviser, because situations such as this one should be taken into consideration before choosing a place to live~
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Honestly though, just get an exterminator if it bothers you so much. If you cannot afford one, I would suggest speaking with a financial adviser, because situations such as this one should be taken into consideration before choosing a place to live~
    Wow -- condescending much?

    OP: Do what you gotta do to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Best of luck.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I wouldn't use poison. They will die somewhere and smell. Just keep using traps with peanut butter. Keep resetting them until all are gone. You do need to plug any and all spots with steel wool or they will keep getting in. Eventually if all the spots are plugged and you have set the traps enough, they will be gone.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Seal all of your food, you probably need to look for any external holes in your house that they might be getting in through, mouse traps, etc. An exterminator is probably the best, because they know how to find where they are coming in, how to fix it, and how to make them go away
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    They have no-kill mouse exterminators.

    I hope you are not using the painful traps. Mice are very sociable and loving animals, so it is really f'd up if you are torturing them to death (and yes, you are the one doing it -- not the trap. You bought and placed it there. Their deaths are your fault). If you are talking about the painful traps disappearing, think about it: They probably are stuck in pain on one of these traps, and are trying to drag themselves to safety while slowly dying.

    If you are using the no-pain/no-kill traps, please excuse my rant~^^

    Honestly though, just get an exterminator if it bothers you so much. If you cannot afford one, I would suggest speaking with a financial adviser, because situations such as this one should be taken into consideration before choosing a place to live~

    well i guess the mice should have thought about the consequences of their actions before entering the OP's house, sounds like poor planning on the mouse's side.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    Thanks for the ideas so far. We can't get a cat as DH hates them. I don't want to do poison as I worry about them dying in the walls/ceilings. I'll need to figure out WHERE they are getting in under the house for the steel wool, but that does sound like a good idea!

    Has any body used the big traps you supposedly can use over and over?

    If you have dogs or cats don't use poison, if the dog gets curious and eats a dead mouse, (some dogs are curious) your dog will die. My exterminator has told me this, thank goodness, not from my own personal experience.