Who are you losing weight for?

Forgive me for going deep here...but it's who I am :)

I am also new, so forgive me if this has been asked before:

We have all embarked on this journey of weight loss...why? What is/was your motivator? Who are you losing weight for?

I'll go first...

I am losing weight for my young family. I am slower with weight on and I want to keep up with my son. I love my husband and I want to be the best wife I can be for him. I personally want to look and feel my best.

With my extra weight on, this is more difficult...

What about you?


  • teamiconic
    teamiconic Posts: 141 Member
    Look at my profile in the left hand column
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
  • 623Hernandez
    ME!!! I want to trade my rolls for curves! I want to feel sexy!!
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Future wife
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I did it for myself and my husband. When we met and got married I was slim and ended up putting on the weight in the spring and summer. I wasn't happy with myself. And I figured he should have the same woman he married!
  • sunnyzephyr
    I am definitely losing weight for myself. I am tired of feeling unhealthy and self-conscoius. I am lucky to have a boyfriend that loves me no matter what I weigh, so at this point, its all about what I want. And I want to be back in shape!
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I am only losing weight for myself. Let me explain why. If you're losing weight for anybody BUT yourself the buy-in is not there, per se. It's not internalized, and therefore, will eventually lead to resentment of the "motivation" or "person" you're losing it for. I realize that if I do it for only myself that all those other areas will take care of themselves.

    I can be INSPIRED by anyone... but at the end of the day... if my motivation to lose weight or exercise is not ultimately INTERNAL TO ME... I can't and won't make it a long term lifestyle change and eventually will go back to my old ways IF that's what I truly want.

    I know... it's a lot of psycho babble... but it's very true. I see so many people here trying to or losing weight for everyone EXCEPT the most important person in the equation... THEMSELVES. Own it!!! :)
  • sblanpied
    Me, myself, and I! You can't want to lose for anyone else... you have to want it for yourself!
  • NPetrakis
    NPetrakis Posts: 164 Member
    me. I tried doing stuff for others and quickly lose motivation. Certainly the people I care about most will enjoy some benefits from my improved choices, namely my kids and my relationship with my wife. Yet, I'm doing it for me. No other valid reason IMO.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I am only losing weight for myself. Let me explain why. If you're losing weight for anybody BUT yourself the buy-in is not there, per se. It's not internalized, and therefore, will eventually lead to resentment of the "motivation" or "person" you're losing it for. I realize that if I do it for only myself that all those other areas will take care of themselves.

    I can be INSPIRED by anyone... but at the end of the day... if my motivation to lose weight or exercise is not ultimately INTERNAL TO ME... I can't and won't make it a long term lifestyle change and eventually will go back to my old ways IF that's what I truly want.

    I know... it's a lot of psycho babble... but it's very true. I see so many people here trying to or losing weight for everyone EXCEPT the most important person in the equation... THEMSELVES. Own it!!! :)

    I think you are completely right on this!
  • johnmijares
    Whatever, I'll spill. Haha

    I've gained hella. I'm starting to not fit my clothes anymore. Everyone who has known me for more than 2 years tell me that I've gained hella. When I look at my Facebook timeline, I see older pictures and see gradual changes. When I walk for long periods of time, I get tired more quickly than I've ever remembered. My face looks round now. I used to be right in the middle of the Normal BMI scale. I think I'm slightly overweight now. Sure, I'm not obese but I think I might be getting there. It's sad to say but now I look at myself in the mirror and I want to stab the mirror and shatter the glass so that I won't have to see myself. If I don't lose hella weight now and return back to my old self, I'm afraid that no one will want to be seen with me and I will be alone for the rest of my life. But I just can't stop eating. So, I'm using this thing so my BlackBerry can call me fat and help me stop eating instead of my *kitten* friends and family.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I am only losing weight for myself. Let me explain why. If you're losing weight for anybody BUT yourself the buy-in is not there, per se. It's not internalized, and therefore, will eventually lead to resentment of the "motivation" or "person" you're losing it for. I realize that if I do it for only myself that all those other areas will take care of themselves.

    I can be INSPIRED by anyone... but at the end of the day... if my motivation to lose weight or exercise is not ultimately INTERNAL TO ME... I can't and won't make it a long term lifestyle change and eventually will go back to my old ways IF that's what I truly want.

    I know... it's a lot of psycho babble... but it's very true. I see so many people here trying to or losing weight for everyone EXCEPT the most important person in the equation... THEMSELVES. Own it!!! :)

    This post was very motivating to me, thank you!!!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Pretty girls, my cat, and Elvis? :bigsmile:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I do it for me. I've spent many years of my life putting myself on the back burner to make other people happy. This is one thing I do only for me, as a way to say, "I love you" to me. :smile:
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    im losing it for me....I want my sexy back....lol:bigsmile:
  • I am only losing weight for myself. Let me explain why. If you're losing weight for anybody BUT yourself the buy-in is not there, per se. It's not internalized, and therefore, will eventually lead to resentment of the "motivation" or "person" you're losing it for. I realize that if I do it for only myself that all those other areas will take care of themselves.

    I can be INSPIRED by anyone... but at the end of the day... if my motivation to lose weight or exercise is not ultimately INTERNAL TO ME... I can't and won't make it a long term lifestyle change and eventually will go back to my old ways IF that's what I truly want.

    I know... it's a lot of psycho babble... but it's very true. I see so many people here trying to or losing weight for everyone EXCEPT the most important person in the equation... THEMSELVES. Own it!!! :)

    Agreed. And the good choices we make (to lose the weight) will have an impact on those we love...and are waiting to love. Not psycho-babble at all :)
  • acuratlsd
    I am loosing weight for all those girls that rejected me in the past and after I get buff and ripped, I'll diva walk in front of them... they can look but can't touch..

    make them think twice about not giving the "big guys, nice guys" a chance
  • namenumber
    namenumber Posts: 167 Member
    Myself, first off. And my boyfriend, although I have never felt any pressure from him at all and he always says I don't need to lose any weight. He is amazing and encourages me no matter what! Sometimes I wish he'd kick my butt into gear LOL! But I feel like it wasn't fair to myself or him to gain so much weight (30 pounds) since we started dating a little over two years ago. I want to be the pretty, thin girl I was when we met. I loved how I looked back then, I had self-confidence, and I want him to feel like he can show me off. I don't feel comfortable in my own body right now, but he always makes me feel better when I'm having my emotional "fat days." And because he is so awesome and supportive of me, it motivates me because I want to give him the present of having a hot and confident girlfriend again!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    I am losing weight for myself, but also for my future child. I'm hoping that by losing weight I will be able to conceive and then be energetic for that child.
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I honestly don't think a lifestyle change (as opposed to just "going on a diet for a while") works in the long term UNLESS you're doing it for yourself.

    That said, there are a lot of ways to internalize other reasons and make them about yourself. For example, if you look at my profile, you'll read that part of my reason for wanting to change is that my family has a history of heart disease. I was 9 when my father died of a single, massive heart attack.

    OK, so not wanting to leave my family abandoned is a pretty good reason to change. However, there's more than a little bit of truth in this fact: If I'm dead, it doesn't really matter to me. However, I don't want to be remembered as a guy who left his family in the lurch because he didn't take good care of his body. How embarrassing.

    So, in the end, it really is all about me. Well, that and I'd like to look better naked.