Weighing every day??

I weigh myself every day, i know a lot of people dont think you should do this, because your weight can fluctuate +/- 1kg per day HOWEVER

when I see a small loss it keeps me motivated to keep up my good work, and when I see a small gain it reminds me to try harder..

What does everyone else do?


  • I weigh pretty much every day but only record twice a week - tuesday and saturday x
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    i weigh everyday and plot a trendline, i dont dwell on everyday fluctuations, focus more on the monthly/weekly picture
  • dibdobw
    dibdobw Posts: 89 Member
    I weigh myself once a week and no more. I did try weighing twice a week but if I had put on in the middle of the week I was depressed for the rest of the week. I find knowing that a Saturday morning is my weigh day keeps me motivated all week to stay on track.
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    Once a fortnight here! I occasionaly sneak a look every 3-4 days though but don't log it. Generally just try to go by how I feel and how my clothes are fitting/not fitting.
  • Yeah I have a Wii Fit, so i just jump on every day and do a weigh in, and COG test :)
  • NaomiWhite77
    NaomiWhite77 Posts: 238 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. The trick is to weight yourself at the same time after the same activity. I weigh myself first thing in the morning right after I wake up. I pretty much stay the same every morning until I have a loss. If you weigh at different times your weight will fluctuate.
  • EmmaR31
    EmmaR31 Posts: 184
    I weigh everyday, I tried not too, but found it just keeps me track. I only record once though. It does help me to see a pattern, lately I also do a loss followed by a small gain and then another loss.
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    I don't own any scales :embarassed: so I weigh myself when I visit my parents, perhaps once every 3 months? So I have weighed myself 3 times since Easter, and I find it very motivating to see the scales have dropped by decent amounts each time :smile:
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    I only record my weigh in once a week.
  • deegeyspazms
    deegeyspazms Posts: 56 Member
    Yup - I agree that straight after you wake up is the best time if you want to weigh yourself every day. That's what I do to keep myself motivated. My mate and I realised that a pint of water weighs a pound! So it's a good idea to have a wee first!!
  • I used to weigh throughout the day, after a meal, after a drink of water... it was only because I had a new scale :) But, I have only stepped on the scale twice in two weeks. So, I would say now... I just weigh when I think about it, which isn't too often anymore.
  • I think it makes a lot of sense to weigh every day, BECAUSE of the daily fluctuations we see.

    Weighing every morning helps me realise that these fluctuations really indicate a general average, not an exact weight-to-the-second-decimal-place. Therefore, seeing a gain of 2lb over a day makes me realise it's not "weight gain" or "a step backward", it could be just part of that normal fluctuation we see daily. A consistent loss of 2lb over a fortnight though, for me, would be an indication of Good News!

    I think that weighing in once a week encourages people to put too much stock in that exact number, and it causes worry when this week's weight happened on a heavier day when last week's was on a lighter day.

    Weighing every day is great when you treat the numbers as averages and watch for general trends.
  • Htay88
    Htay88 Posts: 16 Member
    I do the same as you. People constantly tell me to stop doing that because it's discouraging. But i find it has the opposite effect. Yeah it sucks on days that i've been really good... and I haven't lost a pound. But other days I wake up and BOOM three pounds gone! It makes me go through my whole day with confidence.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I weigh myself every day, i know a lot of people dont think you should do this, because your weight can fluctuate +/- 1kg per day HOWEVER

    when I see a small loss it keeps me motivated to keep up my good work, and when I see a small gain it reminds me to try harder..

    What does everyone else do?

    This. It's my motivation. For some reason, if I don't weigh every day or at least every other day, I tend to make poorer food choices or agree with myself when I want to skip a workout. I'm not obsessed with the number though, like some people may get, that's why they frown upon weighing every day. If people are okay with knowing it may fluctuate and won't freak out about it, I think it's a good thing.
  • I think it makes a lot of sense to weigh every day, BECAUSE of the daily fluctuations we see.

    Weighing every morning helps me realise that these fluctuations really indicate a general average, not an exact weight-to-the-second-decimal-place. Therefore, seeing a gain of 2lb over a day makes me realise it's not "weight gain" or "a step backward", it could be just part of that normal fluctuation we see daily. A consistent loss of 2lb over a fortnight though, for me, would be an indication of Good News!

    I think that weighing in once a week encourages people to put too much stock in that exact number, and it causes worry when this week's weight happened on a heavier day when last week's was on a lighter day.

    Weighing every day is great when you treat the numbers as averages and watch for general trends.

    Agreed! Love this! I was trying to say something similar to this but you said it much better! :drinker:
  • NaomiWhite77
    NaomiWhite77 Posts: 238 Member
    Yup - I agree that straight after you wake up is the best time if you want to weigh yourself every day. That's what I do to keep myself motivated. My mate and I realised that a pint of water weighs a pound! So it's a good idea to have a wee first!!

    AGREED!! :)