Dealing with "Sticking Points"

Anyone who has been on the diet roller coaster is quite familiar with those "sticking points" where something seems to be blocking your weight loss. Whether you got stuck at the same weight for 3 weeks or you had to get past the idea of weighing less than a certain number, it happens. For me, I found that the half-way point was a decent bump the road. I got so excited about my progress that I wasn't watching my calories and workouts as closely and progress was slow for a good 2 weeks. Once I got my head back in the game and kicked myself in the duff, I haven't looked back. I recently blasted through another "sticking point" when I reached 210lbs (the lowest I had goteen with a previous diet). There were a few days that I got scared that I wouldn't be able to lose more weight and I would be stuck there. The awesome thing is, I completely changed everything around by getting a gym membership. The change of pace has really kicked my weight loss into gear and within the first week of going to the gym, I"ve lost 5lbs. Because I dealt with the previous "sticking point" (half-way on my weight loss journey), I knew what to do and committed completely to getting past that mental block. In short, stay motivated and keep your head up. You can do it and no matter what your "sticking point", you can achieve your goal!