Healthy option for Chocolate?

My boyfriend is a real muncher. He almost never eat breakfast, has a croissant or nothing for lunch, and is really really hungry at night. After he eats, and we go to bed, he starts munching. Chocolate, chips, candy, soft drinks. Unhealthy is the word.

Now he is blessed with an amazing metabolism and is what people consider lanky. But getting older, and moving around less just means he can't indulge as much anymore.
Now I'm slowly but surely trying to incorporate some healthier options into our lifestyle (I usually make dinner). Everything wholegrain, veggies etc.

I don't want to push it. He's been so supportive and really is trying for me (he just joined the gym! awesome!) but doesn't want to give up what he enjoys most. -This is 100% understandable, I don't want to live in a world without the occasional chocolate or sweets either. mmmmm...just thinking about nutella it makes me smile :tongue:

But when it's 2 chocolate chip cookie packages every night, it feels a bit much. I was thinking maybe I could try to incorporate a healthier option, for at least a couple of nights a week. Do you have any ideas? Nuts are great, dark chocolate. (Although he'll laugh if I try to traid his KitKat with fruit, so don't even go there :happy: )

It doesn't have to be super-duper-low-calorie-healthy, just something that's not such of an artificial product. Some sort of mysli-chocolate bar or whatever that i could make home? Something with wholegrain to substitute Oreo cookies, some nut mix instead of candy?

Any tasty, real food, healthy/healthyish snacks! Gimme gimme gimme! :D

(And since I'm asking ya'll to share, here's my tip! Frozen seedless grapes or berries. Tastes divine! Try it! And those of you who already have, you know what I'm talking about. Best substitute for candy i ever tasted!)

Thank you guys!!! :flowerforyou:


  • laurenatholen
    I know that when I want a chocolate fix I go for my chocolate Cheerios, they're sweet and give a nice taste of chocolate but it's only 100 cals for a 3/4 cup and I just eat them dry and it's super yummy!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    sometimes if I want something like a sweet treat, I take greek yogurt (vanilla) and mix pumpkin & honey with it (Especially yummy for this time of year) - or I've also started mixing chocolate protein powder with it - YUM! Healthy - and LOADED with protein! Freeze it for a frozen sweet treat!

    I've been eating frozen grapes since I was a kid -- if you want to make it into a well rounded pre or post gym snack - have it with some cheese! I like it with colby jack - YUM!!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I highly recommend Choffy. It is essentially brewed dark chocolate, give you some natural energy and clarity and it surprisingly healthy for you. It's like 25 calories per serving, has no added sugars, cholesterol...etc. More importantly it helps curve the chocolate cravings. :D

    Check it out if you'd like. GL!
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    Have you tried a chocolate chip granola bar? I find it gives you the chocolate while also making you feel fuller afterwards!
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Skinny Cow Dreamy Chocolate Clusters are AMAZING! They don't have that fake chocolate taste, and for me, it's just enough to break that chocolate/sweet craving.
  • moleighsmom
    moleighsmom Posts: 59 Member
    I use this trick for my kids and they think they are getting a decedent dessert. Fat free chocolate pudding mix, 2 cups skim milk, 1\2 cup canned pumpkin (great way to sneak in vitamins). Mix like you would a normal pudding and chill. After it's set whip in 1\2 cup fat free Cool Whip til it's nice and fluffy. Filling and satisfying.
  • fbnngrss
    fbnngrss Posts: 12 Member
    Wow you are totally describing my husband! One thing that works for me is to get chocolate or yellow cake mix. Instead of using eggs and oil and butter and water use Diet Coke, Diet Cherry Coke, or Diet Dr. Pepper for chocolate mix or Diet Mountain Dew for yellow mix. This way the calories match the calories on the "as packaged" section. For the topping I use the fat free or low fat Cool whip and use a cake tool to put the filling inside the cupcake after baking.

    I also love cool whip and canned fruit.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    what i try to do is eat a couple squares of REALLY dark chocolate. kills my cravings pretty quick since it's not sweet, but tastes like chocolate!
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I like eating a few squares (around 15-25 grams) of high-quality bittersweet chocolate...not too much sugar, but totally amazing to satisfy chocolate cravings. If I want something filling and chocolate-y, I take Greek yogurt or skyr and mix in half a scoop (15g) of chocolate or cookies and cream protein powder. Vanilla skyr + chocolate protein powder has the same consistency as chocolate cheesecake and tastes like it, too! There are some chocolate (and other dessert) flavored Larabars out there, made with only chocolate and dates...still pretty high-cal and high-carb, but a MUCH better alternative to processed cookies etc.

    My boyfriend has the same problem, breakfast, pizza or an Italian combo for lunch, whatever someone makes him for dinner, then an incredible amount of snacking and wine late at night. I've seen him easily eat an entire box of Cheez-Its on more than one occasion! I'm looking forward to moving in together in a few least I'll be doing the grocery shopping then!