Training Question!

I'm running a 5K on thanksgiving and I was wondering how many days a week I should be training. Right now I haven't take any rest days..should I be? Or should I workout everyday but do a different exercise (besides running) on some days? Also what about the day or 2 days before the race?? Any help would be appreciated!!!!


  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Typically you would run 3 days per week on non-consecutive days. On the days you don't run, do a different activity like strength training or cycling - something that uses a different muscle group than running. And I would suggest at least one day that you do nothing at all. You muscles need time to recover. Unless you're used to running every single day, I don't suggest it.

    My schedule looks like this:
    Monday: Rest
    Tuesday: Run/Zumba
    Wednesday: Spin/Strength Training
    Thursday: Run/Zumba
    Friday: Spin/Strength Trainging
    Saturday: Spin/Zumba
    Sunday: Long Run

    That's a pretty aggressive workout schedule, but it was approved by a personal trainer, so that's the only reason I do that much each day.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I say it all depends on how you feel. If you feel good, run as many days a week as you like. When I first started training for a 5K, I ran practically everyday. I felt fine and wanted to build up endurance. Granted, I didn't always run 3 miles everyday in the beginning. I'd run about 2 miles or less each time. Eventually it got easier and I started running less days during the week.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I'm an avid believer in rest days and cross training. However, you're entering a running event, so most of your training should be in the sport of which you're competing - running.

    I'd take the day before the event as a DOR or a slow mile run or so. Listen to your body. It's usually a pretty good indicator of what you need to do.
  • Wibikerlady
    Wibikerlady Posts: 73 Member
    Good luck on your 5K..Been thinking about doing a Turkey Trot around here too, but its going to be SOOOOOOOOOOO cold!! LOL (mind you I have the Under Armor for it but still!! LOL) You NEED to give your body a rest day here and there...Sure, you can run but your body is now probably prepped for it and knows it coming so its already ready. You need to change up your workouts... Do an elliptical here and there...Do a stair climber every so often..Keep your body guessing what its going to do. As for strength training, you really should be adding some of that into your workouts... Its awesome to have a strong toned lower body, but you need to even it out with the toned upper body too. Run/elliptical/stepper 3-4 days a week, just not back to back...Take a day to rest the lower body and work on nothing but upper, lower the next, rest the next and so on...Just gotta give the lower come confusion.
    When I did my first 5K (this year was my very first one ever!!) I ran the day before to see if I could do it. Wasnt a biggie for me. I do hear people say to rest the say before. I say, you know your body and what you can do. You run everyday already..I dont think your body would be surprised by it if you ran the day before. Just my take on your questions.
    GOOD LUCK with the run!!! OH, and if its a Turkey Trot your doin...It might actually be a 5 mile run..not a 3.1(which is an actual 5K)
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Hey!!! I'll be there with ya!! I recommend resting the day before. I recommend that you run 3.1-3.5 miles in one run at some point before race day. Definitely, don't run everyday, unless it's just a mile or so. I like doing the aerobic classes and strength training on non-running days. I recommend running 2-3 times a week. 2 times a week will be more than enough for a 5k.. but if you feel like a 3rd day, then go for it!!!

    Just relax and enjoy! I just did the 5 miles today and the last time I ran was a week ago, and before that was 2 weeks ago. I had went on vacation so I wasn't on my normal workout routine, and since being back from vacation, I'm still trying to get back in a normal workout routine-lol.

    I always start out the 5k slow and tons of people pass me. But after 2 miles, I end up passing SO many people. It's amazing how many walkers and slower runners I end up passing. It makes me laugh when they pass me and gives me a great push the last mile when I pass them! It's an awesome feeling.
  • mbakken90
    mbakken90 Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! Maybe I am running myself too hard :) I'm excited for my race!
  • jlcampbell2008
    Just a quick tid bit. When my husband was in baseball the trainers had them doing situps/crunches 3x a week. Much of the power in runners is not just in their legs but their abdominal muscles as well. With my daughter who does cross country they did strength training 2x a week (she's in 8th grade) which included core muscle training.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Rest is just as important as training. Schedule in some rest days. I would say you should have at least one solid rest day, others can be active rest, like doing something else not running.
    Training for a 5k can be anywhere from 3 days a week up to 5 days depending on you.

    The week before you should be tapering, cut back your mileage, the longer the race, the longer the taper. Any hard runs I do are early in the week and not as hard as a normal training run. In the two days before the race, I do a nice easy run. I prefer to take the day off before the race.