anyone out there have/have had 200+ pounds to lose?

hi my name is denise, i started at 443, and my goal is 175! right now i am at 279, so i am over half way there!!! so is the glass half full:bigsmile: because ive traveled so far...or half empty:sad: because i still have so far to go??? id say half "empty", but because over half of me is

anyways, so im looking to get and give some peer support...who is needing, or has needed to lose 200+ pounds and would like to explore this journey and all that goes with it(health issues and all), just add me!!!


  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I started at 340, right now I'm down about 20 lbs. Ultimately I'd love to be 130-150, but we'll see how it goes. Congrats on your amazing loss so far, you are amazing!!!
  • melmccabe
    melmccabe Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss you have achieved so far :-). I have 200+ to lose as well. I started at 371 and my goal is 150. I started in June and I am currently at 296. Feel free to add me. I am curious to know how you have lost your 163 lbs. Way to go!
  • Journeygirl
    Journeygirl Posts: 40 Member
    Wow! you are more than half way there. You only have 100 pounds more to lose! Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment! I have 258 pounds to lose. I started at 392 and have lost 40 pounds. The road is long, but it's ok. I'm just living. The time would pass anyway. I just happen to be eating better. I'm not deprived by any means, just eating a lot more normally now. I'm just grateful to finally be on this road! In the past I was always so all or nothing. If I wasn't being perfect on whatever eating plan, then I was eating out of control. So I was either losing or gaining. No slow progress for me. This is the first time in my life I'm making inch by inch progress. I'm so thankful. I've been on track since August. One day at a time.
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    sw: 356 ~ yuck!
    gw: 150
    cw: 307

    206 TOTAL to lose
    49 down
    157 left to go

    it's going to be a long, hard journey. but every worth every minute.
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
  • nansidhe
    nansidhe Posts: 19 Member
    I started at 325 and different sites say that my ideal weight range should be 111-150, so I MAY have over 200 pounds to lose, it depends on how I look and feel the closer I get to my goal weight. Considering my mother and sister's weights when they were thinner (I never was), I think that my goal weight will be closer to 120, so that's 205 pounds to lose. I'm down 83, but I've had to slow down my progress because I've developed kidney problems--I'm really scared about this, too. They've done all sorts of tests and still don't know what it is and now they are thinking that it might be early kidney disease. I can't let it get me down or discourage me --I keep telling myself that it is in its early stages, so I can still live a normal life and get it under control.

    Is anyone else trying to lose weight while dealing with kidney issues? Do you have any advice?