one week down!

Hi All,

I am Shauna and live in Washington, I am excited today because I have finished my first week on MFP and feel GREAT! I am on my own in my house as far as a healthier lifestyle goes so reading other people's struggles/achievments really helps! Anyway my energy level is already higher and it is easy for me to imagine getting to my goal weight.. There is no stopping me! I wish I knew about this site so much sooner. It seems to be just like a certain program that counts calories, only free!! Anyway happy Sunday to you all and keep fighting the fight!


  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
    Congrats on the first week. I wish I would have found this site at the beginning of the year when I first tried to lose the weight and after 2 months (only lost 10lbs) I gave up. I was the only one in my house trying to better my health but right after my husband deployed my dad realized (after seeing me lose weight) that it was time for a change and has been working on weight loss as well. Maybe after seeing your success you family (if needed) will jump in too :)

    Feel free to add me if you would like.