Why am I losing weight so fast?



  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    I dropped my first 25lbs in 3 weeks... the other 25lbs took 11 months (okay, so I slipped up a lot and only dieted/exercised on and off for those 11 months).
  • lalala06
    lalala06 Posts: 153
    i dropped 7lbs in 8days now it has slowed down to 1.7lbs/week :grumble:
  • barwood
    barwood Posts: 48 Member
    All I can say is because your a man. Men lose weight quicker than women.
  • Munkyzilla
    I wish I had your problem! :-) Seriously if you have made any significant change to your nutrition and your exercise regime, and you had a fair amount to lose, it will at first come off more quickly, for some. Like someone else said, it will slow down as your body finds its optimal weight. If you find you are too skinny and you feel tired or weak, again like someone else said, bump up your protein and calories. Exercise is healthy, so don't cut back on that (unless of course you're hurt).
  • teejamajay
    teejamajay Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with her, too
  • teejamajay
    teejamajay Posts: 11 Member
    Meaning Maggie and the others about how heavy you may be at first plus how was your diet BEFORE this. Be glad.....cuz it may slow down.....
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    All I can say is because your a man. Men lose weight quicker than women.

    This is bunk. Men seem to lose more quickly than women because they don't look at dieting the same way women do. Here are some reference points.


    He's losing quickly because he cut out crap and is eating less salt. I can gain and lose the same 10 pounds in a week if I go overboard on sodium.

    OP if the weight loss doesn't slow down (which it most likely will) you may want to consider upping your calorie intake but if you're feeling good go for it and congrats on a great 1st month!
  • EvaJanes
    EvaJanes Posts: 37 Member
    I think you have something set wrong...im 5ft and 140lbs and my calories are higher then yours. Check your settings and change your goal to 1lb a week.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Thanks for the replies - yeah its prob water because I can see that I'm not even getting the sodium that MFP recommends since I cut out most processed junk.... I'll see how I finish this month up before I decide on increasing cals - but yeah on the heath status site it says I need 2655 cals to maintain my current weight (165 started at 179.6) with moderate activity... so 1220 a day is a 1435 deficit.... which really does reflect my weight loss per day (around 0.5lb a day).

    I'd say its because you aren't eating enough. The generally recommended minimum for men is 1500 cals, so if you are only eating 1220 a day you are running with a pretty aggressive deficit, I'm not sure how safe that is without medical supervision. I would not stick with such a big deficit for long, I'm sure you canlose weight steadily without such extreme measures. Be safe!
  • darrielirwin
    When I first started I lost 10lbs in 2.5 weeks! It has slowed down since. It's from shocking your body and water weight! It will slow down! If you think its continuing to go fast, start eating more calories!
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    I'ma bout to smack you upside the head. :grumble:


    Right? I about cracked up when I saw that comment! LOL!
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I'ma bout to smack you upside the head. :grumble:

    This ^^^:angry:
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    ohhh to have a guys metabolism!! enjoy it while the rest of us sweat away a pound at a time!!

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    ^amen to that!