200+ Biggest Loser Holiday Edition Group

Opening up this group more broadly.

The holidays are rough for everyone, because food is plentiful and exercise options limited with inclement weather.

I am starting the group for ladies over 200lbs who want to lose 5-10 around or just after the New Year, and like me, can use the additional support and added challenge.

Here are the rules:

Check in every Saturday with the following:

Starting Weight:
Goal Weight:
Current Weight:
Total Exercise for Week (Sun to Sat):
New Week Goal: (ie burn more calories, drink more water, etc).
Week Challenges (anything you need extra help with)

Once all the info has been entered, I will calculate and post the weekly winner.

For an added challenge/motivation, the over "biggest loser" by January 12 will be given a nice prize...more on that later!

Feel free to friend me!


  • My goal is to loose a total of 125. Working towards 215 lbs by new years! About 15 lbs to go! I'd love to join for motivation! I need it!
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    I would love to join! :):)

  • i sooo need this right now, need the motivation!

    AM In!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I haven't been in a group for a while now - may be just the motivation I need.

    I got close to 190 about a year ago.. then gained back some.

    I weighed in this morning at 214.8 and would like to be under 200 by New Years, or as close as possible!
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    Great news everyone! I am working with two super cool companies to put together an awesome fitness inspirational gift basket for the winner of the competition.

    You can check out the links to see potential offerings:


    I will let you know as more details flow in!! Hopefully this will keep everyone inspired to keep sweating until 1/12/12!

    Again, the overall "biggest loser" (by percentage of weight loss) will win the gift basket...
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    I also started a MFP Group where we can log information to make it a bit easier to find: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/786-200-biggest-loser-challenge-11-12-11-1-12-12
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    still open slots for you to join! first weigh in is on saturday!
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    The holidays are rough for everyone, because food is plentiful and exercise options limited with inclement weather. Let's band together with a little friendly competition to stick to it!

    This group is for ladies over 200lbs who want to lose 5-10 around or just after the New Year, and like me, can use the additional support and added challenge. If you are close to 200, come join too!

    Here are the rules:

    Check in every Saturday with the following:

    Starting Weight:
    Goal Weight:
    Current Weight:
    Total Exercise for Week (Sun to Sat):
    New Week Goal: (ie burn more calories, drink more water, etc).
    Week Challenges (anything you need extra help with)

    Once all the info has been entered, I will calculate and post the weekly winner, keeping all the stats in a spreadsheet for weekly tabulation and updates.

    For an added challenge/motivation, the overall "biggest loser" (based on percentage of weight lost) by January 12 will be given a a fabulous, motivational fitness gift pack!
  • I would love to join! My current weight is 212.6 lbs and my goal for New Years is 189. I've been struggling lately and have been looking for some motivation - so this is perfect :-)
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Starting Weight: 214.8
    Goal Weight: under 200 by New Years day
    Current Weight: 212.6 (-2.2)
    Total Exercise for Week (Sun to Sat): 209 minutes and I've burned 2339 calories this week.
    New Week Goal: Not overdoing it with Thanksgiving food, and working out 6/7 days. Also, making sure to log each thing I eat every day even if it isn't pretty - I need to accurately see and track what I'm doing. However, this past week I've been doing really well with eating (my biggest struggle) so I'm pretty happy with myself! :)
    Week Challenges: Getting up 10-15 minutes earlier so I can work out a little longer in the mornings. I've been working out regularly in the mornings since Nov first, but I'm not getting in the burn I used to (500-700). Now I'm getting anywhere from 300-450, and I'd like to get up earlier to increase that amount.
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    Starting Weight: 214
    Goal Weight: 145
    Current Weight: 212
    Total Exercise for Week (Sun to Sat): 409 Minutes
    New Week Goal: Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day
    Week Challenges: Reduce sugar intake and increase protein intake
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    Since this is our first weigh in day, I still have several slots left for folks to join....If you are over 200+ and want to join our 2 month weight loss challenge (with prizes for overall percentage biggest loser) sign up today or message me with your info!
  • Bunnie_Lynn
    Bunnie_Lynn Posts: 35 Member
    Can I still join!?!? I just found this today and would love to be in the group with y'all.
    I started MFP a little over a month ago and I have been getting a little lazy with my working out lately:/
    I would love to join and get/give support!

    good luck to everyone on their journey.

  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    Sure, just enter in your first weigh (last sat. as starting weight) and all the other info listed above :)
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Starting Weight: 281
    Goal Weight: 240
    Current Weight: 281
    Total Exercise for Week (Sun to Sat): 0
    New Week Goal: (ie burn more calories, drink more water, etc). drink more water
    Week Challenges (anything you need extra help with) not eatting junk
  • Bunnie_Lynn
    Bunnie_Lynn Posts: 35 Member
    Starting Weight: 230 lbs.
    Goal Weight: 207 by new years (hopefully :) )
    Current Weight: 227lbs. (-3lbs.)
    Total Exercise for Week (Sun to Sat): 304 minutes
    New Week Goal: Do my Jillian Michael’s 30day Shred daily and NOT to go over my calorie intake on Thanksgiving.
    Week Challenges: Reaching my goal of getting to 400 minutes of exercise a week.
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    Starting Weight: 345 lbs
    Goal Weight: 325 lbs
    Current Weight: 345 lbs

    Total Exercise for Week (Sun to Sat): I will doing Curves at least 3 times and Zumba once, plus getting some walking in.

    New Week Goal: (ie burn more calories, drink more water, etc). I want to burn at least 100 more calories than I already do and I need to drink at least 10 16oz bottles of water.

    Week Challenges (anything you need extra help with) I just need motivation from others and know that they is people like me who have just as much weight to loose like me. Good Luck to everyone and I'm happy to be a part of this...:) :)

  • peg1969
    peg1969 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I am very excited about this group! I have added a stat to the list to reflect the smaller goals I have on the way to the big finish.

    Starting Weight: 316
    New Year's Goal Weight: 280
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150
    Current Weight: 301
    Total Exercise for Week (Sun to Sat): 0 for the past week
    New Week Goal: (ie burn more calories, drink more water, etc). Get back on track exercising
    Week Challenges (anything you need extra help with) Staying away from junk and fast food.

    Anyone who needs a friend please feel free to add me. Have people to check on will hopefully help me stay on track. :)
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    Looking great everyone! Just a few more entries to add, and then its dorky chart time!:wink: