What it would be like to hit my goal 135...



  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    I am 5'7" and was 120 lb when I graduated from high school. I current goal is get down to at least 140 and then I will see how I feel.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member

    I laugh because I'm going to say this:

    For the people that have a problem what your goal is,, Ask them what their goal is? They probably aren't doing the good things that you are doing. You know, you always have those unhealthy, lazy, not working out, not eating healthy, eating really horrible people telling US that we are all doing it wrong.

    Yes I had a brownie sundae today, but I do eat healthy majority of the time and yes I still lose weight :)
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    Don't tell them what you're goal is. Tell them you're just striving to be healthier and happier. It's no one's business but yours (and maybe your primary care physician... maybe) what your weight is.

    ^^^Agrees!!! It's not their body, and they are not on a need to know basis!!! :D p.s. I think it's just fine IMO!
  • purpadillo
    purpadillo Posts: 45 Member
    For your height, I don't think that sounds unreasonable. I'm 5' 8.5" and I currently weight 135, down from ~158 since May. I'm not currently trying to lose any more, only maintain. I'm not abnormally thin by any means and I eat everything in moderation. I eat healthier overall and actually am probably eating more food (quantity wise) than ever since I am making healthier choices. I'm training for a marathon, though, so I've definitely thinned down more than I had anticipated.
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member

    I laugh because I'm going to say this:

    For the people that have a problem what your goal is,, Ask them what their goal is? They probably aren't doing the good things that you are doing. You know, you always have those unhealthy, lazy, not working out, not eating healthy, eating really horrible people telling US that we are all doing it wrong.

    Yes I had a brownie sundae today, but I do eat healthy majority of the time and yes I still lose weight :)

    Haha I like this! I just tell people I want to lose weight and they tell me I look fine. Well thanks, but my weight puts me in the obese category and that's NOT fine. Not even close. I've just stopped talking about it to people who aren't supportive.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I went to the gym and workout the other day. When I got there I ran into my cousin. We were talking and, she mentioned to me that you are really looking good. What have you been doing? I told her and she was like wow. You are really doing well. Keep up the good work.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    People will always say things. Keep up the good work, and don't let what people say get to you.
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    I think that is a very reasonable goal. Im very similar (5'4", currently 146-147 but really want to lose about 10 more pounds. Lost 58 so far). People tell me that I dont have 10 more to lose, oh but I do. If I could lift up my shirt and show them the flab that I so desperately try to hide every day, they'd shut up and agree. I take it as a compliment when people tell me I dont have 10 more to lose....means they see me as smaller than I am....but still, its MY goal, and what I want for MY body. So I'll just keep doing what Im doing, and when those 10 lbs are gone, they'll say "Wow! You look even better!" lol
  • jerseyprincess081
    5'4 and shooting for 137, 135 is great too.
  • supergeorge08
    supergeorge08 Posts: 13 Member
    SAME GOAL GIRL! dont worry about it. In high school i was a cheerleader, and weighed about 130. I was very healthy. When poeple hear your goal weight, they just dont imagine you being smaller. Probably becuase they think you are gorgeous just the way you are. I'm now at 165, and want to get back down to 135 (like in high school) and my boyfriend thinks im crazy, because he thinks im perfect and gorgeous how i am. Just keeps doing what you're doing, lose that weight, and people will see the healthy-future-you at 135, and be like DAYUMMMM she looks HOT, whether she 135, 150, or 200 lbs.
  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    That's not too low at all. I'm 5'4" and my true goal would be 125. I would be happy at 135. I have been down to 108-112 which really was too skinny for me.

    I think you'd look great at 135.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    i think that sounds fine im 5ft 3 so only 2 inches shorter and mine is 120
  • acuratlsd
    I am 240lbs right now. My profile photo is when I was in Basic Training and that was me at 190lbs.

    According to the BMI, I need to be 167lbs and below to be Normal.

    I am thinking to myself. If I was 165lbs, I will look like a tooth pick...

    I am half norweigen and half latino.. My dad gave me a big frame and I just don't know if i should trust the bmi, I will look anorexia
  • efriling
    efriling Posts: 58 Member
    I agree with everyone's post on here, I'm 5'4" and my goal is also 135...I've been there before, I was a size 9 pants...SIZE 9!!! I was hot! No one told me I was too skinny then, so what's their deal when I say I want to weigh 135 now? Or that I need to lose 100 pounds (it was 120 lbs, but I'm 20 lbs down now!)...they're like, "Oh no! Maybe 25 lbs and you'd feel much better"....really? I'd still be OBESE if I only lost 25 lbs...people really don't get it. I agree with everyone else, your goals are your own, so own them & don't worry about anyone else's opinion. :D Best of luck!

  • acuratlsd
    The second photo of me in my photos is when i was 145 and i was 13 years old... I could feel my hips with my fingertips i was so skinny...
  • efriling
    efriling Posts: 58 Member
    I am 240lbs right now. My profile photo is when I was in Basic Training and that was me at 190lbs.

    According to the BMI, I need to be 167lbs and below to be Normal.

    I am thinking to myself. If I was 165lbs, I will look like a tooth pick...

    I am half norweigen and half latino.. My dad gave me a big frame and I just don't know if i should trust the bmi, I will look anorexia

    There is actually an adjustment for those with small or large frames since BMI is just an estimate. I believe the adjustment for people with large frames is about 10%...so instead of 167 lbs, that's put you closer to 184 lbs which sounds like where you think you'd be more comfortable, and judging by your profile pic, in great shape ;) Here's the link to check it out yourself:
  • acuratlsd
    I just checked my wrist size and I am 69" and my wrist is 7.75 squeezing and 8 loose.
    so i am considered big boned.

    If I don't gain any muscle, i want to be down to 165lbs.

    If i gain weight, it will be muscle mass. Then I can be 180lbs.
  • sunnyzephyr
    Thats seems like a very reasonable goal for your height. I am 5' 8" and my goal is 145. Although I'm thinking about changing it to 140. But either way, that is a good healthy goal.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    That is my goal too, and I am 5'6". I know it's not too low because I was 125lbs in high school and fine. And 135lbs is in the healthy bmi range, so you should be absolutely fine at that weight!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm 5'6 and I'm currently aiming for 150lbs and I'm getting the same. It's stupid and I'm ignoring them.

    Ditto for height and weight.

    But NO one tells me they think that's too thin. Is it a SoCal thing? I'm abotu 20 lbs away and the comments I get from family (who have ALWAYS thought I was too fat, even at 5'5" and 135 back when I was 16) are "oh you're starting to look a lot better".

    Obviously coworkers and friend's aren't that rude, but if I tell people I want to lose about 2 sizes they all nod and agree that will look good.